Summoner Objectives Bugged

Objective: Special - Win 20 Arena Fights Using Avengers

This special objective is bugged. I used a team of 3 avengers, and instead of incrementing my progress towards completing the objective by 3, the same notification showed 3 times but each one reset and reincremented the total by 1.

More information
Before entering arena, I had 2/20 points in the Arena fights using avengers objective (level 2/4, which asks for 20 wins).
I fought in the Crystal Cornucopia arena using a team of 4* Hulk, 4* Gladiator Hulk and 4* Vision (Age of Ultron).
After the arena, the first objective notification displayed, changing my progress from 2/20 to 3/20.
The scond notification then displayed, but instead of showing it incrementing from 3/20 to 4/20, it once again showed 2/20 to 3/20.
Then the third notification showed and again, it showed 2/20 to 3/20.

The objective now shows 3/20 fights completed, when it should be 5/20.

The objective notification is resetting the total each time when using more than one avenger in the arena.

Device Details
iPhone X, latest update of iOS and latest update of MCOC.


  • Captain_CaymanCaptain_Cayman Member Posts: 62
    Ok, so the problem seems to be a display issue. I just did another round of arena, and before the fights the objective was showing 3/20.
    I completed 3 fights with 3 Avengers.
    After the fights, the first notification went from 5/20 to 6/20 (so jumping from the 3/20 displaying before)
    But then the next 2 notifications went from 5/20 to 6/20 again.
    Even after restarting the game, the objective still shows 6/20 when it should be 8/20.

    Here's a video (edited out the fights to save time):
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  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,165 Guardian
    Thanks for catching your misstatement OP. You realize that you did not start at 2 already, you probably had started that match at 0. And then it showed 2->3 three times, but it was correctly going from 0 to 3. Just a visual error when fighting with/against multiple Avengers in Arena.
  • Captain_CaymanCaptain_Cayman Member Posts: 62

    Thanks for catching your misstatement OP. You realize that you did not start at 2 already, you probably had started that match at 0. And then it showed 2->3 three times, but it was correctly going from 0 to 3. Just a visual error when fighting with/against multiple Avengers in Arena.

    No, you are wrong and have completely misunderstood. That is not what I said. I made no misstatement, and I started at 2, not 0. I did not catch my mistake, as you put it, I merely added further detail to the problem.

    I started at 2/20 and the notifications were each going from 2>3 instead of 2>3, then 3>4 then 4>5. After that, viewing the objective, it still says 3/20.

    Check the video I added - it shows the same issue, but going from 5/20 to 6/20. If what you are claiming were true, then in the video it would go 7->8 three times in a row, as the correct total should be 8/20.

    The visual error is that before going back into the Arena, the objective shows 3/20. After completing 3 fights, the next set of notifications start at 5 and go to 6/20.

    Therefore somewhere in the backend, it correctly identified that I had completed 5/20 from the previous round, but the objective still only showed 3/20.

    The main problem with this is that with teams of more than 1 avenger, the player would need to complete more than 20 to be able to claim the objective, as the objective claim screen would always show 2 less than the correct total. So the player would need to do 1 more round of arena with at least 1 avenger before it recalculated with the correct total.
  • Ch1efsterCh1efster Member Posts: 477 ★★★
    edited April 2019
    I have had the same issue. If you have more than 1 avenger in arena, back out after each avenger fight so the counter goes up. Then go back in for the next fight and repeat. It sucks, but it is the only way I could make sure each fight registered.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,165 Guardian
    edited April 2019
    Sorry, your second post said you started the next time at 3, and then 3 Avenger fights all displayed 5->6. That is what I am talking about. How do you think starting at 3 should have ended up at 8 ?

    The display STARTING number is incorrect on these pop ups if you have multiple Avenger in a match. But the ENDING number is correct, based on where you actually started from before that match.

    So I was applying what you visibly showed in your second post (3 to 6), and saying how you could have seen the first match supposedly go from just 2 to 3.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,165 Guardian
    The problem with the game pop ups is that after an entire 3-fight match is completed, it will display pop ups showing you (each time) what you Final count is at. It does this by displaying the numbers as (1 less than ending number) transitioning to (ending number).

    And then since it knows you did 3 fight using Avengers, it displays pop ups 3 times. But all 3 times it still uses the (1 less than ending #) and (ending #) values in the pop ups.
  • Captain_CaymanCaptain_Cayman Member Posts: 62
    edited April 2019
    You’re still not getting it. Try reading it again and watching the video until you understand.

    I was on 2/20 at the start of noticing this issue. Got that?

    I did a round of 3 avengers. It displayed 3/20 when it should have displayed 5/20. 2+3=5. Understand so far?

    So ENDING number is NOT correct.

    Objective is showing 3/20 when I start next round of arena.

    After another 3 avenger fights, I get 3 pop ups showing 5->6 (in the video).

    So, while the objective was showing 3, the game clearly stores the correct value of 5 somewhere because after the round of fights the notifications started at 5 despite the objective showing 3 before. Understanding so far?

    Now, my objective shows 6/20 still when it should be 8/20. 2+3+3=8. Simple maths - that’s where I get 8 from - it’s not difficult to understand.

    I’m sure if I do another round of arena, despite my objective currently showing 6/20, the notifications will start at 8 incrementing to 9.

    I can’t write this any clearer for you. It’s not showing the final total each time! If you do a round of 3 avengers it’s showing the correct total-2 each time.

    If you still don’t understand, please stop commenting because you are making this more complicated than it needs to be. It’s pretty damn clear in the video, and the other guy commenting gets it.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,165 Guardian
    Please show proof then of you starting the initial post at 2. I can only hypothisize that you had started at 0.

    Now that said, let’s move forward. Your next starting is at 3, proven by your video. And after 3 Avenger arena match you end at 6. Where is the problem FROM THAT MATCH ? It properly increased by 3.

    Now you are at 6. If you try another 3 Avenger match, I would say you should end up at 9.

    Trying to promulgate the supposed missed 2 points from the very beginning on forward forever does not make sense, you can only confirm (or not confirm) that any future matches are giving you (or not giving you) the correct amount of increase each time.

    If there maybe was an initial problem with 2 points versus 0 points, then that was a bug in that first match. But your next match did correctly give you 3 more points, and your next match (if 3 more avengers) should give you another 3 points.

    Asking for a future match to somehow suddenly award you with 5 points is not gonna happen. It would have to me manually adjusted by Kabam if you submit a ticket, and if you believe your initial starting # back from your initial post was indeed at 2, then please submit a ticket to Kabam.

    Then later, when the game was showing you 5->6 three times in a row, it was NOT doing so because you think the servers were somehow agreeing with you that the starting point for that match should have been starting at 5 all along (instead of 3). It was doing so because your ENDING pts after the whole match was at 6 and that it was just showing you three separate pop ups all saying 5->6 because it has a known bug whereby it shows all 3 pop ups with the same starting # being 1 less than the Final Ending # after all 3 fights were done.

    It is a bug only in what it displays as the starting # when it has to show multiple pop ups after multi-Avenger matches.

    I wish Kabam would chime in on this, and confirm what is happening.

    Final point (according to you own video), started at 3, ended at 6. No Bug from THAT match.

  • Captain_CaymanCaptain_Cayman Member Posts: 62
    Unfortunately I don’t record all my gameplay so don’t have evidence of the original 2 points. Given how many bugs I come across now maybe it’s wise to leave recording on all the time!

    Either way, whether the total is bugged or just the display, I think we can agree that there is a bug that needs to be addressed to avoid this confusion going forward.
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