Iceman or Killmonger?

I am going to Rank 3 one of these guys (both of them soon) Which one should I do first? I've never put a five star up to rank three before, and I have a mutant t4cc in the overflow. Neither of them are duped. I have two four stars at rank five, Medusa and Ghost.
Iceman or Killmonger? 36 votes
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However, the main benefit of Iceman is his triple immunities and ice armour. However, you already have ghost at rank 5, so you're already covered on the immunities front when phasing, so KM possibly brings more to the table. I have a r5 iceman who does not hit that hard in long term fights tbh, KM is a better option for those longer fights. Also his indestructible can tank SP3, but is weaker than ice armour, as it can be used up via blocks, and does not stop sp3 bleeds/poisons/incinerates/stuns, but then again if you're looking to tank sp3, luke cage is probably the best option, or use a power control champ.
So I'd go for Killmonger as he's got more damage (love the bleeds) and is a bit more fun to play in general. Both are also good defenders, but that's mainly dependant on their awakened abilities. Also when you awaken iceman his damage does not really increase (apart from coldsnap in the beginning) but killmonger's does when vibranium armour is unlocked.
Can’t go wrong with either really
If you are looking to shut down Evade, Iceman can apply Coldsnap a bit easier than Killmonger can get his True Strike, but it is a Debuff, so it can be shrugged off or prevented by Debuff immunity. KIllmonger's True Strike can also shut down Auto-Blocks that Iceman can't. Though, as others have mentioned, having those immunities that are always on can be a nice benefit with Iceman.