4* Max Sig Crystal drops

To date, the only thing that made up for me continuing to pull bottom of the barrel 4* champs that are on my roster at Level 99 has been the max sig crystal dropping another 275 5* shards.
I once pulled a 4* awakening gem, which was awesome.
All that came to a smash in the face today when a max sig crystal dropped me TWO tech sig stones. How is that drop even close to a 4* awakening gem? How is that drop even close to 275 5* shards?
It’s not. It’s not even close to the continent of equivalent value to the old drop rates. When I pulled my (at least 7th) Howard the Duck... I thought “550 5* shards at least!”
And all there was was 2 sig levels on a 4* champ so I could get more crappy sig stones.
Thanks Kabam!
To date, the only thing that made up for me continuing to pull bottom of the barrel 4* champs that are on my roster at Level 99 has been the max sig crystal dropping another 275 5* shards.
I once pulled a 4* awakening gem, which was awesome.
All that came to a smash in the face today when a max sig crystal dropped me TWO tech sig stones. How is that drop even close to a 4* awakening gem? How is that drop even close to 275 5* shards?
It’s not. It’s not even close to the continent of equivalent value to the old drop rates. When I pulled my (at least 7th) Howard the Duck... I thought “550 5* shards at least!”
And all there was was 2 sig levels on a 4* champ so I could get more crappy sig stones.
Thanks Kabam!
I do see your point that 4* sig stones are an in game resource we can always use.
The point of my initial complaint is that when you dupe up a 4* champ that has zero use in game, Colossus for example, the only benefit when I pull him (again) after he's at level 99 was the pretty much guaranteed extra 5* shards. Now that I saw some drops from that crystal that are substantially less rare than 5* shards, it makes pulling those already less useful champs more frustrating.
When I open a 4* crystal, I'm hoping for one of the 30 champs that I can pull through a crystal opening. When I get a champ I've pulled more than 7 times, especially a crummy one, the only redeeming this was the extra 5* shards for me.
I'm not sure where you're at with your roster, but I've played for a longer time than I thought it would take for me to roster all 4* champs. 8 of the 30 champs I'm missing are champs that have been out for a lot longer than a year. When your roster gets full and feels stale, you want to pull new champs that mix things up a bit and if you don't get that, you want more resources to have another champ pull. I think that's why the mag sig ability stones were intended for initially.
I think Colossus only has use when your roster is small and you need a bleed immune champ on a questing team. That's why I think he's bum champ. He's the mutant Joe Fixit. There's one in every class.
Agree, getting a SigStone pales in comparison to an Awakening. I’d rather they didn’t have SigStones in there (or even maybe Awakenings ?) at all. Just give me the 5* shards that are standard, or the rare Immortal IronFist (which after 4 years, just got and Dup’d as 4* not too long ago).
It would be nice to hit the IIF lottery if I don't get shards.