Who is better ?

Genesis1_0_1_Genesis1_0_1_ Member Posts: 25

Who is better ? 74 votes

SummonerNRHaminLordBeaverbroke 3 votes
Captain America( infinity war)
ArcDeAngelusDeeparviCPT_SmashGaseousClayVartoxTerraSai_7Jim0172NoıreGreifmaster911Sixshot1OrcDovahkiinSavio444Nitro422SpiderCoolsOsfan8F317Duke_SilverWarriorDog06johara84 71 votes


  • XxLoganTDCxXXxLoganTDCxX Member Posts: 2,561 ★★★★
    Captain America( infinity war)
    Mephisto is decent on defense
  • Sixshot1Sixshot1 Member Posts: 459 ★★
    Captain America( infinity war)

    Mephisto is decent on defense

    Mephisto is the better defender. Cap is better for most other content. Mephisto does have interesting utility in buff heavy matchups, but that's about it
  • SirOreoBarSirOreoBar Member Posts: 39
    Captain America( infinity war)
    Cap definitely is better than Mephisto imo.
  • HaminHamin Member Posts: 2,444 ★★★★★

    If you vote Mephisto, I really want to know what possessed you to think that

    He did.
  • ReferenceReference Member Posts: 2,899 ★★★★★
    Captain America( infinity war)
    I interpret your question as "who is better in overall situations" coz both are good champs I have r3 5* for both.
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