6 Star Misery

Maaaan I was so excited for my first 6 star after so long of grinding and the Karnak I pulled hit me in the gut. But I figured 1 down the next had to be better... Cyclops. ‘3rd times the charm!’ thought I... King Groot...
Kinda wish there weren’t so many lame champs in 6 stars at least until they’re easier to obtain. I try not to get on the forums just to whine about RNG but with some of the other issues lately I wanted to vent a bit. Anyone else troubled by 6 stars?
Kinda wish there weren’t so many lame champs in 6 stars at least until they’re easier to obtain. I try not to get on the forums just to whine about RNG but with some of the other issues lately I wanted to vent a bit. Anyone else troubled by 6 stars?

1. Cable
2. Yondu
3. Jane Foster
4. Guillotine
5. Yondu
6. Daredevil (classic)
Also pulled a 6* Cap WW2 from a Cavalier crystal
Got really lucky with emma but idk ehh bout my other 2 they help