He falls in the category of the useful champs. Even more so,if you have champs for his synergies (Ghost Rider, Guillotine for example). He is not in the top-3 skill champs so I would personally save your gems for one of them.
Is Night Trasher worth ranking up to rank 4 I have a 2-3 and a 3-4 skill rank up gem ?
He aint bad, hes definitly worth rank 3, but dont use youre gems on him, there are much better champs you could instantly bring to rang 4, which would make you really happy
He has a large benefit from being awakened at a high sig level as well, so probably save the gems. He has lots of utility, and if you follow Seatin's tier lists, Night thrasher is in the god tier category
OTOH, they may never come...