Disconcerting Precedent

It was affirmed that Ebony Maw's design was to not allow Elektra to be able to knock him out (albeit sp3).
I don't want to start down a slippery slope fallacy, but is this the new precedent that's going to be set for future champs?
Meaning, certain champs can be nearly invincible when fighting other certain champs.
That just doesn't sit well with me.
I don't want to start down a slippery slope fallacy, but is this the new precedent that's going to be set for future champs?
Meaning, certain champs can be nearly invincible when fighting other certain champs.
That just doesn't sit well with me.
This discussion has been closed.
Take Dorm against Ultron. Take a mystic against HT. Oh wait we do not do these things because they are **** match ups that already exist and we play around it.
Although, now we have concrete affirmation this was by design.
You win this round, GW.
Isn’t EW’s ability read as ‘when class disadvantaged, guaranteed crit hit will miss’? How did that ever got translated to completely negating an inherent signature ability of a champion that is not class disadvantaged?
And this doesn’t just go to Elektra alone but possibly Aegon when he had chalked up all those combo meter counts and face EW as the last opponent.
Plus, how would EW’s ‘miss’ ability interact with Pure Skill mastery now if the above interpretation by Kabam is true? Wouldn’t that render an entire mastery tree useless for a class neutral champ when facing EW?
I’ll be grateful if Kabam can shed more light and provide the community with more information about neutral class crit hit interactions with EW’s miss ability. Another that comes to my mind is Rocket Raccoon’s sig ability Furocity.
By the way, Kabam, you’re not setting this up in order to introduce ‘unmissable hit’ ability into future champs right? 😂
How creative!
Players are up in arms because EM is just another step in wiping out the old attacker meta so they can sell new ones.
But class neutral is a different matter, especially if it completely negate a sig ability and render a champ useless in finishing a fight. I mean sure we can adapt, ie storing Elektra power up to 3 and hit EM before he goes below 15%, but why should such a game mechanic advantage exist? What happens if EM (AI controlled) is on suicides and decide to fire his specials, taking recoil damage and goes below 15% health before Elektra can get to power bar 3? What happens to that fight where you’re actually winning but ultimately have to lose due to game mechanic?
Again, this is not about that one or two champs vs using the other 150+ champs as counters. It’s the interaction of an ability vs sig ability that I’m not entirely comfortable with.
Sig ability is what makes a champ unique. And it’s uniquely used to define a champ. To render that unusable should at least warrant a debate or at least a reconsideration
They've done stuff like this before. There's been matchups like this before. Its nothing new. We've adapted, we've adjusted. Remember when autoblock to parry became a thing?
As much as I hated 12.0, remember 12.0 wasn't about nerfing. but characters had to be nerfed as a result of that.
People who have been playing this game for a while only have 4 attackers? Heck I am nowhere near the level of play the top people are at, but I have a diverse selection of 4/55, 3/45, 5/50 champs to chose from. If I see a champ that is a counter/hard counter to one of my main champs I use, guess what, I use a different one.
Relying on the same 3 champs for everything hurts YOU the most. Not having the roster or the skill set, and I lean toward the latter for most people QQ’ing, isn’t a nerf or bad game design.
Everyone who has CG, Ghost and any other champ that EM counters might I suggest using a different champ? I hear RH, LC, KM, Void, workvreally well, or at least have worked well for me.
Learn to not rely on the same facerolling FOTM champs for everything.
Corvus can not defeat Ebony, that's for nothing, no mystic can defeat a human torch ...
Only non-science sure crits champions are affected, a minimal number, already mentioned in the numerous threads that were open on this subject, not the ones whose crits chance grows according to circumstances.
And concerning the pure skill mastery I don’t see how it is affected by EM...
For some of us we just dont like the idea of Kabam introducing a mechanic that makes champs realistically unbeatable by other champs(worded that way for the trolls who want to pretend you can get a victory against Maw with corvus light hitting)
Honestly Kabam could make alot of this argument go away if they would just address if the mechanic was introduced solely to torpedo Corvus. Or if this will be a new trend to introduce a champ who is unbeatable by other champs every month.
Of course if they announce this will be a monthly thing or stay silent and introduce someone with a similar ability towards a select group of champs again next month then people arguing about this will really go of the rails.