Ultron Evade Timer
Can we please get a timer that lets us know when Ultron is close to evading? The reason I'm bring this up is because I'm trying to 100% Act 5. I have one more path to go, but on my last run I spent 1000 units worth of potions and revives on the last fight of Ultron where he seemed to be evading more than I know he is supposed to. It feels like he is evading every 4 seconds rather than 7. I just feel like this would be a nice quality of life change.
Basically ultron classic gets an invisible evade charge every 7 seconds that allows him to evade the next attack. Once you understand that you’ll know how to play around it. You can also burn the charge by attacking him while he is stunned.
Can be fairly easily overcome if you understand that after 7 seconds your next attack will be evaded, this allows you to easily anticipate it.