Increase stash

Is it time to increase our limit on T4CC? Don’t get me wrong, I am happy with the amount of gold they have thrown into some rewards lately. Although, it seems most of that is endgame content like back issues on Variant. I have quite a few champs I’d love to rank but it’s not feasible with only being able to rank one champ every couple weeks.
So can we increase our limit on catalysts in our stash? Or can we get more chances at gold like gold realms?
So can we increase our limit on catalysts in our stash? Or can we get more chances at gold like gold realms?
This has definitely been something brought up before and we've had discussions about it. We'll be sure to bring it up again as a conversation piece with the team.
I’m Cavalier. And right now I’m maxed on mystic and skill t4cc with one of each in my stash currently. I was maxed on cosmic as well until I just ranked venom to r4. I also had cosmics in my stash. Now I don’t run arenas as much as some do, but I do occasionally. My only ways for gold are BCs and events. Ranking my venom to r4 took me from 930k down to about 230k. Which means I can’t do much of anything else for another couple weeks. At this rate, I’ll be overflowing with everything eventually. Maybe we should get some type of increase with Cavalier titles?