Excelsior needs u are u the missing link

4.1 mil ally even missing 5 spots we save everyother week for sa hit aq hard advanced bracket weve been getting 17 k in t4 from ranks have also been running 44433 want to go back to map 5. 2 wars a week fun ppl looking for loyal players to come grow with us challenges arent mandatory but we do usually hit item use hard and completion allt tag xlsor ally name excelsior leader tylaw07 its open just drop or measage me on here on in game tylaw07 electro is my game icon
4.1 mil alliance even with 5 open spots. We currently save every other week for SA. We hit AQ hard. Currently in the advanced bracket we've been getting 17k in t4C from our AQ ranking rewards. We're currently running 44433 but would like to go back to map 5. We do 2 wars a week. We are fun people looking for loyal players to come grow with us. Challenges are not mandatory but we do normally hit item use and completion events. Alliance tag (XLSOR) Alliance name (Excelsior) Leader name (tylaw07) Alliance is open just drop on in or message me on here or in game. Electro is my game icon
Message from the editor:
Here you go. I don't normally correct grammar, in fact I suck at it. I'm sure others can find things i have done. But DUDE come on. Hope you find recruits. Happy hunting