Please stop closing threads about accounts being banned

Kabam, I know you guys don't want to discuss account bans, but they are being discussed anyway, even if you don't allow it here. Please reconsider. I love listening to all of the cheaters cry and whine how they never cheat and did everything by the rules, while the whole time they are lying their butts off. It soothes me and gives me my daily chuckle. Please reconsider closing these threads so we may enjoy the crying. Thanks
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Aye, so missed the sarcasm in my post.
it is awesome that these banned players would give us the opportunity to comment. love it.
Obviously, some do cry innocent like the guy with a "genius level intellect" who made a couple of threads already while admitting a week earlier that he uses his wife's account on his phone in addition to his two accounts (which are probably the same account since he thinks "Play Store" and "Kabam" are 2 different accounts).
But not all of them are like that.
Some admit to cheating and then put in a dig against Kabam on their way out.
Others admit to cheating as well but word their posts in such a way to garner sympathy and question the fairness of the permanent bans.
When these threads are closed with the generic "we don't discuss specific accounts", counter arguments are not being made, allowing this sympathy to keep growing every day. They envision one day that account sharing and ROL/LOL hacking would be viewed as a victim-less crime.
So Joe Q Honest plays his heart out in AQ and AW, only to get the lesser rewards in the end because Lance Armstrong and his 4-star Ronan scored more points. Joe's alliance might even drop down a tier. No victims here. Move along, nothing to see.
I don't advocate cheating and agree something should be done, but their actions have become draconian while still providing a less than perfect product. While you are fixing bugs, work with those who are banned and find a proper compromise that punishes then while allowing then a chance to redeem themselves. This behavior is too extreme and an example of abuse of power. Two wrongs don't make a right.