Gold.... a story about a summoner and his quest for gold!!

Hi there, I am creating this thread just to rant about my plight for gold... if you have lots then feel free to move on
Me as a summoner and my journey so far:
I am a married 40 year old father of 2 and hold down a full time job, hours of work are 6.30am-4.30pm.... I only play AQ/AW before I go to work, at lunchtime and when I leave work, later when my children are in bed I play arena... questing is normally done on weekends and try and do a lot in the small amount of time I have.
I downloaded the game back in Feb 2015, back then there were no alliance structure and the game team were eager to make the game into something ‘special’. When the alliance’s came out it was great I found a good one and we started on map4 then quickly went to map 5 where we were bouncing between superhuman and incalculable (this seems like a lifetime ago now) it was great as we were getting awesome rewards and the game was defo manageable but as time has moved on we moved to map6 then more recently to map7 (doing 3 a week and the rest map6) unfortunately I have had to quit this (a month ago) as I am now finding I can’t keep up with donations and specified rank ups required and I am not happy about this!
Currently there are arenas/quests to farm every resource in the game except t2a, t5b and gold!! Yes we gain gold through every other means but is it enough? I managed to save 1 mil gold over 3 weeks and managed to rank up 2 5* champs (1 new to rank 2 and another to r3) so 3 weeks work for that, I am in a weak alliance where I don’t donate.
During a month in 2016 (I dont recall exactly when) there was a month long gold quest that reset every 7 hours, it was great I managed to gain over 12m gold and managed to keep I decent level until about a year ago and since then I’ve been broke, only managing to get donations and the odd rank up!!
I really do love this game but is getting to a point the only reason I do anything is to gain gold!! I have 4 t5b (and 5 5* r5. 1 6* r2) loads of t4b, t1a and 8 t2a but this means nothing if I can’t do anything with it!!
My request:
Please do a gold realm that runs daily/weekly and if you won’t please explain why?
I can’t carry on like this much longer but want to continue playing, if you wish to comment on this then feel free but it was mainly so kabam can see they are dealing with real people with real lives
Me as a summoner and my journey so far:
I am a married 40 year old father of 2 and hold down a full time job, hours of work are 6.30am-4.30pm.... I only play AQ/AW before I go to work, at lunchtime and when I leave work, later when my children are in bed I play arena... questing is normally done on weekends and try and do a lot in the small amount of time I have.
I downloaded the game back in Feb 2015, back then there were no alliance structure and the game team were eager to make the game into something ‘special’. When the alliance’s came out it was great I found a good one and we started on map4 then quickly went to map 5 where we were bouncing between superhuman and incalculable (this seems like a lifetime ago now) it was great as we were getting awesome rewards and the game was defo manageable but as time has moved on we moved to map6 then more recently to map7 (doing 3 a week and the rest map6) unfortunately I have had to quit this (a month ago) as I am now finding I can’t keep up with donations and specified rank ups required and I am not happy about this!
Currently there are arenas/quests to farm every resource in the game except t2a, t5b and gold!! Yes we gain gold through every other means but is it enough? I managed to save 1 mil gold over 3 weeks and managed to rank up 2 5* champs (1 new to rank 2 and another to r3) so 3 weeks work for that, I am in a weak alliance where I don’t donate.
During a month in 2016 (I dont recall exactly when) there was a month long gold quest that reset every 7 hours, it was great I managed to gain over 12m gold and managed to keep I decent level until about a year ago and since then I’ve been broke, only managing to get donations and the odd rank up!!
I really do love this game but is getting to a point the only reason I do anything is to gain gold!! I have 4 t5b (and 5 5* r5. 1 6* r2) loads of t4b, t1a and 8 t2a but this means nothing if I can’t do anything with it!!
My request:
Please do a gold realm that runs daily/weekly and if you won’t please explain why?
I can’t carry on like this much longer but want to continue playing, if you wish to comment on this then feel free but it was mainly so kabam can see they are dealing with real people with real lives
It's totally possible to keep playing without caring about the gold. Now more than ever.
The devs are constantly adding gold rewards to the content, so just play for it. Gold quests like gold realm or halls of fortune aren't meant to come that often
I support the idea of a halls of fortune event added to the monthly quests. Its not enough to allow someone to rank up anything he/she wants, but it would add extra gold and show good faith. I have covered the donations of several of my alliance mates (for quite a few months) to allow them to spend their gold on ranks ups. I am happy to do so, but there should be a way to grind gold like the other resources.
my 2 cents
Heck, even the iso 8 that is useless can be sold.
All for that lovely gold
OP, go for the first 3 milestones in every arena. Those have all of the gold. If you do that consistently, it goes a long way, and it's not much grinding. If you're already playing arena when the kids go to bed, that's probably enough time. Always use class iso of the appropriate type, and sell all grey iso. It's like a 300k gold difference using class iso instead of grey iso. Last, try to limit rank ups to level up events. It's more efficient for resoucres and helps you pace yourself. I make exceptions for champs I need and are excited for, but that's about it.
I was sitting between 5-6mil gold for about half of a year. I stopped playing arena at all for a few months and went down to 3mil fast. Managing gold takes a bit more dedication than most people realize.
I would like to see a little extra gold added to the game with the massive increase in t2a we've had, I'll admit.
With that being said, I couldn't agree more. Some of us have lives outside of the game but still enjoy playing. Now with 5* champs pretty much turning into the minimum requirement, the game has become either too expensive or too time consuming to play.
On the other side, people are complaining about not having enough gold for rank ups.
I can't make up to even 100,000 gold I am in need of constant rank ups. I also feel like they should add a daily / weekly gold quests.