Cheat death synergys NOT WORKING sometimes.

ZiliorZilior Member Posts: 10
I've been using The Thing to clear Variant #2 and the synergys that prevent him to die keeps failing to proc at random will... works fine in one fight, then in the next one it simply didn't proc... I've wasted so many units because of this problem.

After some research I found that this is a well known bug that been here since release of Thing and Kabam simply don't care to solve, if that is true everyone is elegible to ask for a REFUND for their units spend on revives due to this system in the game not working the way it should.

here is a run that I did with thing to serves as an example, all the tree(TREEE!!!!) cheat death I have in the team simply fail to proc in two fights, first one at 05:10 against Green Goblin and the second one in the very last boss at 08:05.
Video proof:
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