I am not usually one to complain on the forums like this, but how did we possibly lose this war?

Both alliances cleared both bosses. Only different is we had more defender kills, yet missed only 2 more defenders than them on their side of defense. We had 97 defender kills and yet we lost by a few hundred points because my alliance mates and I missed 3 defenders total, and only 2 more than their team.
How is this even fair? Clearly we were the better alliance.
I guess I can just chalk this up to pay2win.
The only thing a defender kill does is reduce the attack bonus of the other team (reduces their maximum available score). Once a defender gets 3 kills, any kill beyond that is essentially meaningless because the attack bonus is gone. In this case, it appears that only a limited amount of defenders tallied up the bulk of the kills.
If you post a screenshot of the upper portion that shows where the points are awarded (boss clears, exploration, attack bonus, etc), you will see where they beat you.
In this case, 30 kills evenly distributed across their defense is better than 90 kills localized on a few defenders.
I get it, it’s easy to point out the sore thumb and be like “that’s why you lost.” “More like choose2lose”, but realistically, they won in the last 40 seconds when they took down our boss thanks to one player reviving 45 times. The stat isn’t broken. If you have to spend money to take someone down, does that really prove skill? Also, if we miss 2 total defenders more than them because of time zone differences, that makes us the lesser alliance?
We could argue this all day.
I spoke my peace. Scoring system is ineffective, if not completely broken.
Also they were the under dog seeing that they got more rating points as well. You had the upper hand for that match.
Kabam has been tweaking many aspects of war, but I suspect this won't be changed in the near future. As stated numerous times already, you left 2 additional defenders and gave up 500 points, which turned out to be the deciding factor. Not how many deaths the opponent gave up.
I agree that we left things on the table. Thanks for the advice and answers.
Kabam would simply rather reward the people reviving 90 times to kill your boss instead of the ones who die here and there throughout the map.
Anything past 3 kills per defender is moot.
Several hundred units available each week to those who are willing to grind arenas (plus whatever you get from arena crystals), monthly EQ has 150 units per difficulty for 100% explore (excluding Uncollected), and get rewards from the 22hr solo events. Summoner Advancement gives free revives each week. Doing AQ gives glory which can be spent on revives & pots.
What's the point of working for rewards if you're not using them?
Can easily run in an alliance that does 5x5 AQ and Gold 1 AW without spending a dime of actual money...