Looking for 300k+ players to rebuild our roster

We need a few players, we focus on war and AQ maps 4 and 3


  • SwitchKickSwitchKick Member Posts: 35
    My in game name is Switch Kick Line app I.D switchkick69
  • SwitchKickSwitchKick Member Posts: 35
    We focus on war and AQ maps 4 and 3.
  • SwitchKickSwitchKick Member Posts: 35
    We are very chill. AQ map 3, need people looking to play daily but not go to a job.
  • SwitchKickSwitchKick Member Posts: 35
    In need of 2 players, We run AQ 4,4,3 and 2 war groups. No donations.
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