5* dupe. Unstoppable or Immovable?

So I just duped my 5* Jugg. I see he’s had a few.. upgrades.. n I like. I’ve always liked the Juggernaut though and am wondering if it would be a waste to r4 him over my Sparky (unawakened) or other good champs simply because I like em.
Also have 4* Jugg, 4* Hulk & 5* collosus for best Crit synergy team.
Very close to awakening 5* UC
Also have 4* Jugg, 4* Hulk & 5* collosus for best Crit synergy team.
Very close to awakening 5* UC
But rank 4 a juggernaut, i dont really think that this can be worth it, ist a really big amount of rare ressources, if you draw a 5 star Magic or morningstar or symbioth supreme, this would really hurt to spend so many t4cc and Alpha 2...
I have had both 5* & 4* Jugg, with best Crit team for a long time. R3 5* and awakened 4* has taken me through event quests quick, fast, and in a hurry. No other champ will come close to the speed Jugg can shut down whole chapters. That said, rewards come with it, big rewards. Jugg sizes. In overdrive, MD 5/5 w/5* Jugg +800 Crit chance & stagger- unstoppable- He rips his opponents apart. Hope to get a legend title for running the event quests the fastest.
you heard it here first.