Discounted return feature 5*?

Just throwing this out there. How about the returning feature 5* (I.e like iceman this week) get a slight discount since they are reruns? I was thinking maybe 12,500 shards rather than 15k. Seems reasonable to me anyways and gives players who don't get them the first time
a cheaper option a few months down the road.
a cheaper option a few months down the road.
The featured gives you a chance at any featured champ that isn't in basic, so the featured crystal is no longer a "re-run" of said featured champ because you could get them from any featured at any time.
But it is. Any 5* that gets a featured crystal will be put into the basic crystal.
That's true, but the champs featured crystal is the highest chance to get the hero that you want. Iceman is gonna be in the crystal in December with over 50 other 5* champs
Can you show me where it was said that the featured crystal gives better chances for the featured over the sub-featured? From what I've read your chances don't change, the basics are always more likely to pull than the featured or sub-featured and the featured/sub-featured share the same pull chance.
Kabam does not post any info about pull chances. Percentages are gathered by the community and based on average pulls. The community has gathered that it's about 80% to pull a basic, 19% to pull a featured, and 1% to pull a subfeature. While I'm sure these are not 100% accurate, they are a good guideline. In all the featured crystals I have seen people open, a very tiny percentage have been subfeatured with the majority being basics and featured in the lower middle.
Actually it's been commented a few times, around the time that the Subfeatured was announced, that the Featured is higher than the Subfeatured. The order would be Basic> Featured> Subfeatured.
Do you have the post stating this? I've never seen it.
Ah, you should just get the champ for free with no spin. Try another game buddy.
I am never doing that nonsense.
It's a gamble and it's always been that way.