Winning Streaks Snuffed by Higher Level Opponents?

Perhaps I’m just new to this, but I don’t understand why in Versus mode the level of my opponents steadily increases such that my guys become ridiculously outmatched. How is anyone supposed to advance streaks when the sheer HP and damage of the opponent’s char make defeat highly improbable? I’m playing along with a 900 and a couple 600s, fighting people with similar leveled chars, doing great, then all of a sudden I’m put against a team with 3 1000+ guys. I wailed on them all day and it did nothing and then they drop the 3rd level special attack, which I cannot block, and lose like 50% of my life. I guess I just don’t see how that’s fair competition if we’re not starting out on an even field, and I assume there’s enough other “summoners” that I could fight evenly matched enemies all day to really test and reward one’s legitimate skill. Again, super noob, so hoping I’m missing something and welcome explanation and/or advice...
At whatever point it starts getting too hard (Streak somewhere between 6 to 9), you can start “Unbalanced” teams. Use 2 higher heroes, and 1 lower hero. Typically opponents will be evenly ranked amongst those 3 opponent’s on their team, so your 2 higher ones should be able to still win (and 2 out of 3 is good enough to continue your streak).
Once at Streak=15 things get different, but sounds like you might not have strong enough heroes yet to continue into the “Infinite Streak” scenario, so I won't go into that here.