Ebony Maw improvement and June calendar

Look we all love Ebony Maw because he's a badass but you made him really disappointing, Kabam we love the work you put in these characters and make them so unforgettable, but a champion really so badass and memorable, you have to put in commitment into these one and make them one of them the best of the game, It's like you getting the thing you wanted in your life, then someone kicks your face, steals it, and makes it worst. That's an expression but you're getting close to it Kabam. Also the June calendar is bad, 5% of 5 star stards? We want not the best, but one of the best calendar rewards you have.
And let him keep his deterioration per buff nullifies on the s1 guaranteed crits missing and the whole focus mechanic
Maybe make falter 2 seconds so he’s not too strong on defense.
I want it too
Some champs come out good and some bad
It depends on the right values and on their abilities
Saying that champs should be more powerful I game because they are in the comics is wack
The balance would go crazy