Teleporter Path Progression

B_RabbittB_Rabbitt Member Posts: 137
As I continued my Gold Quest this morning, I came to the teleporter to continue on my path. (I was auto-fighting on one of the easier difficulties and wasn't paying the most attention to which path I chose as I was getting ready for work.) I chose to continue on Path A since, in the past I had done the more difficult paths first, but this time I had already done Path A and had to restart the quest.

I thought that maybe KABAM could add a progression indicator on the path options while choosing a path from the teleporter similar to the quest completion in Story and Event Quests. It would be dark green if you have done less than 100% of the paths that fork off of the path that you teleport to and show a light green color if you have done every path that forks off the path.

However, to keep with the path lock of Act 5, Chapter 4 and all of Act 6, there would be no progression indicator.

I understand this was a user error and wasn't that big of a deal but I thought it would be interesting if this is something that KABAM maybe has thought about including in the game. This could be helpful for newer players that are beginning to get used the the idea of teleporting in quests.


  • Austin555555Austin555555 Member Posts: 3,051 ★★★★★
    If they did this, it would help a lot soo we didn’t have to guess if we did the path already in act 5 chapter not. Like a green check mark to show it’s done
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