Wasp Evade [Merged Threads]

Wasp used to shrug off debuffs then evade as her ability stated:
Wasp has a 8% chance to shrug off all Damaging Debuffs other than Bleed, then shrink to Counter Attack, Evading the opponent’s attack and inflicting Shock, dealing 1384 Energy Damage over 8 seconds. This ability does not activate if Wasp is about to Parry an attack.
It seems though that with the new patch this has changed to only shrug off the debuffs when she successfully evades, which means she would not/should not be able to evade something like iceman.
Now people are saying she is still evading iceman like her previously worded ability would allow, so I am not sure which is the bug the wording or the effect, but since the wording had to be changed perilously I am going to assume she is not longer meant to evade iceman.
Wasp has a 8% chance to shrug off all Damaging Debuffs other than Bleed, then shrink to Counter Attack, Evading the opponent’s attack and inflicting Shock, dealing 1384 Energy Damage over 8 seconds. This ability does not activate if Wasp is about to Parry an attack.
It seems though that with the new patch this has changed to only shrug off the debuffs when she successfully evades, which means she would not/should not be able to evade something like iceman.
Now people are saying she is still evading iceman like her previously worded ability would allow, so I am not sure which is the bug the wording or the effect, but since the wording had to be changed perilously I am going to assume she is not longer meant to evade iceman.
Post edited by Kabam Vydious on
Wasp no longer removes Cold Snap apparently? When was this change made?
Wasp has a 8% chance to shrug off all Damaging Debuffs other than Bleed, then shrink to Counter Attack, Evading the opponent’s attack and inflicting Shock, dealing 1384 Energy Damage over 8 seconds. This ability does not activate if Wasp is about to Parry an attack.
Think they tried to list the damage over time debuffs instead of saying "all dot debuffs apart from bleed". But in the process, they forgot to include half of the DoT debuffs that there are in the game.
Really sorry for the delayed response to this one. We're going to get this looked at ASAP. Once we get some confirmation on what's going on, we'll report back to y'all. Thank you for the heads up on this!
We are working on a fix for this issue so that Wasp will be able to purify the Coldsnap and then Evade. We'll also update the in-game description to be more clear about this. This fix will likely not be able to be applied until the next game update. Sorry for the confusion and thanks for your patience.
The way her abilty works is
Step 1. Purify all damage over time abilties (this includes coldsnap)
Step 2. Evade.
You are basing your belief of the steps being in the reverse order. If she evaded first and then purified coldsnap would stop her.
here is how the ability read before this patch, what they are reverting to:
(Wasp has a 8% chance to shrug off all Damaging Debuffs other than Bleed Step 1),( then shrink to Counter Attack, Evading the opponent’s attack and inflicting Shock, dealing 1384 Energy Damage over 8 seconds.step2) This ability does not activate if Wasp is about to Parry an attack.
How about all other DoT debuffs missing from her description? Like Punisher 2099 sp3 debuff, Loki curse, havoc feedback, etc.
Changing the description like this made it more confusing and musleading due to the lack of info