Yellow Jacket explanation against SP3

moonmebabymoonmebaby Member Posts: 41
At this point in the game I have to assume this isn't a bug but how come when an opponent has my sting on them, uses a sp3, do I die towards the end of the fight? Sp1 and sp2 don't act this way. Yet special 3 does. What's the reasoning behind this, if it's not a bug. It really doesn't make sense in my logical mind.

Help anyone!


  • STShortySTShorty Member Posts: 103
    It's because any biosting done to the opponent the damage does not take effect until the special is activated. Because sp1 and sp2 are specials that do not cause a cut away animation they take the damage during the special, but an sp3 has a cut away animation the damage from the bio sting does not take place til after the animation. If the sp3 takes the remainder of your life the biosting does not occur as the fight ended before it could take effect on the champ. You must survive the sp3 for the damage from the biosting to take effect on the opponent.
  • SlyCat42SlyCat42 Member Posts: 504 ★★
    Pretty much exactly what the above poster said. It's just because it has a cut away animation. If they would die from the sting they will die after the cut scene finishes. There just is not a way for it to activate before the cut scene starts.
  • moonmebabymoonmebaby Member Posts: 41
    I think that's a really easy fix through coding. Simple if then statement. If attack>health then die else sp3

    @Kabam Miike
    Is this how it was intended? Or did something go wrong along the journey since yellowjacket has been introduced way back whenever?
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