Who should I rank 5? CapIW or Quake?

In Gold 1 alliance doing AQ 5x5. I have a 5/65 Corvus rn as my top champ. About to get my second T5B, should I R5 my r4 Quake, r4 CapIW (duped), or wait for a third to R2 my 6* Symbiote Supreme (unduped). I do want to point out that I really want to pick Quake, because I love playing her and is pretty good at her (handle stun immune NP).

Who should I rank 5? CapIW or Quake? 18 votes

AsterFreya13TaroTheDogPuffheart 3 votes
CapIW (duped)
Nitro42210or_Strongzeezee57OurobørosEtjamaThe_real_IndyLOUISIANIMAL225Ægon0710BenQcSlayerBrak 10 votes
Symbiote Supreme (6* unduped)
Il_Cuocokfd2010TawliFhfjghhggggjfhfjgLainua 5 votes
Starlord (duped, but prob not going to pick SL)


  • BenQcSlayerBenQcSlayer Member Posts: 867 ★★★
    CapIW (duped)
    Unless your a pro with Quake.... like diehard pro
  • kfd2010kfd2010 Member Posts: 423 ★★
    Symbiote Supreme (6* unduped)
    If you have the ability to rank 5 a 6*, you do it

    (But seriously, I agree with CapIW unless, like said above, you're a Quake pro)
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