No intended bump in difficulty

At first this quote from my boy @Kabam Miike made me laugh and wonder if he really could stand behind that statement. I personally was going to make some snarky comment how I joined AW with cyclops and wouldn’t you know it, cyclops really is a viable option... but then I figure why get put in Kabam jail by the mods for making a funny at their expense.
So instead I want to focus on the difference between ‘intended’ and ‘unintended’
We are all familiar with the phrase, “working as intended”
Now what is making me scratch my head is that somehow Kabam has the stance of changing the fundamentals of one of the most competitive aspects of the game, beta testing this new variation (very poorly IMO) and despite horrible feedback, Kabam rolls it out anyway (as a player base wide beta type experiment IMO)
At the same time releasing a new AQ variation that feels very much like an ‘intended’ bump in difficulty.
My overall point and question, is what is Kabams intentions anyway? Surely they can not be so far removed that they don’t recognize the bump in difficulty, and if they do in fact see it or acknowledge it; how is that not an ‘intended’ change. It is a matter of semantics, but what blows my mind is that if this truly wasn’t the actual sole purpose of these updates to INCREASE difficulty and thus spending and therefore profits, then is Kabam really that far removed and disconnected from their player base and game in general?
My final point is that if Kabam is very much connected to their player base and game and they were intentionally increasing difficulty why placate us with blatant and glaring posturing of ignorance?
It can only go one of two ways, either Kabam is blatantly lying to its player base or they really are that disconnected from the game they make. I can’t decide which it is
So instead I want to focus on the difference between ‘intended’ and ‘unintended’
We are all familiar with the phrase, “working as intended”
Now what is making me scratch my head is that somehow Kabam has the stance of changing the fundamentals of one of the most competitive aspects of the game, beta testing this new variation (very poorly IMO) and despite horrible feedback, Kabam rolls it out anyway (as a player base wide beta type experiment IMO)
At the same time releasing a new AQ variation that feels very much like an ‘intended’ bump in difficulty.
My overall point and question, is what is Kabams intentions anyway? Surely they can not be so far removed that they don’t recognize the bump in difficulty, and if they do in fact see it or acknowledge it; how is that not an ‘intended’ change. It is a matter of semantics, but what blows my mind is that if this truly wasn’t the actual sole purpose of these updates to INCREASE difficulty and thus spending and therefore profits, then is Kabam really that far removed and disconnected from their player base and game in general?
My final point is that if Kabam is very much connected to their player base and game and they were intentionally increasing difficulty why placate us with blatant and glaring posturing of ignorance?
It can only go one of two ways, either Kabam is blatantly lying to its player base or they really are that disconnected from the game they make. I can’t decide which it is
Corv x10 and ghost 10x,
Its either nerf the god tier champs or make diverse nodes that take unorthodox rankups u need **** chars for. So yea, it sucks, but ppl will figure it out.
With that said though, if the difficult is going to change this drastically, the rewards should as well
I just assured my Alliance mates that we'll figure it out. The last thing I want is to press them into a situation that stresses them out. I want my crew to have fun. If that means changing up the focus, or just dialing back altogether, so be it. We've always been about moving up and doing our best. However, never at the cost of our sanity. This current situation is causing many to get upset and want to quit. I love my crew and wouldn't want to see them depart due to this.
That also begs the question, how are the players expected to give it their all if it's this difficult? I certainly do not expect my crew to 'pay to play' if they're not in the position to do so, or lack the overall desire to do so. When you're putting in excess work on something whose sole purpose was made to have fun... it's hard to justify continuing with it. That is my greatest concern right now. It's a game. A game that's now causing EXCESS STRESS. That's not fun. At all. I hope we get some changes, and SOON.
I have 0 qualms with contributing to Kabam by buying things when they strike my fancy. However, it becomes difficult to justify when the company doesn't appear to listen to their clientele. When your customers are unhappy, logically it would be wise to listen to their input and implement changes that address their concerns. It's early as this is only war 1. I hope by the end of war 2 they acknowledge the majority's concerns and give us some hope that changes will be made. I would not expect this to happen today though.
There are tons of champs that when they make changes, sucks worse and worse
They know that they have made some champs too op, And they cannot nerf them like how they need to be.. so they are constantly making harder new champs for $ but also to counter the op champs. This is a snowball they have created and they have to do it this way because of how the game reacted to all the other changes..
First perfect block nerf, OUTRAGE, game progressed..
Then the DS, SW, Thor nerf.. game progressed when people were calling it the end and whole community going for boycotts, etc. they were and just like Corv blade and ghost were, but they’ve learned that they cannot nerf them because it almost wrecked the game. Instead this is the result. New champs to nerf the op ones, and New content that some of the best champs are no good at. It’s the snowball getting bigger and bigger.
They’re entire purpose for the 12.0 nerf was they didn’t want everyone’s teams in AW/AQ/quests to be the same... AND then they released Blade, Corv, ghost and knew they fked up and turned into super one point before Corv, ghost, u could go into an AW/AQ March and every single player had blade as their team. Only ones who didn’t were the ones that did not get him. They are trying to progress to make multiple godlike champions since they messed this up once again, but trying to combat it with nodes and new champs.
Their excuse for these changes are not wanting everyone’s teams to be the same when there is 150 diff champs in game.
It is the communities fault as much as it is kabams imo.
Yea take that as you will.
So now this is the result we are left with unfortunately... either wayyyyy too easy stuff for the people that had lucky RNG, or super hard content that makes it hard for everyone and even harder for those without them.
Kabam has been going toward this direction ever since then..
Variant 1...only certain classes can enter
Variant 2... only **** XL champs can enter effectively
Act 6.1... no 4 stars (to block out their f up on some too godly synergies)
Act 6.2.. having to have a certain # of 6*s
If they really wanted people to have a diverse champion roster they would make the highest prestige champs the worst is the game, that would fix most of the issues, but when blade and Corv are near the top, it’s just a big azz hypocracy
Yay! We won! Only 30 more wars until i can get a 5 star!
Now they just make new chars and nodes that are silent nerfs, this way they don’t have for Apple and google to pay refunds, hand out rank down tickets and get an entire player base boycott.
They made it this way, but community pushed them in this new direction as well
Alliances that don't have players all in the same timezones, will now see difficulty in completing the map due to the way the links are setup. Especially if they're not on the same continent. These are legit concerns that will drastically affect many Alliances. Not to mention the fact we were explicitly told there wouldn't be a drastic increase in difficulty. Yet, here we are.
I think that would be better phrased 'change can be good.' I like the general layout. If they remove 1 link per section (preferably the middle lane in each), retool a few of the nodes that are blatant overkill, I think this map could be a LOT of fun. As it currently is though... it's rough. What's worse, no real incentive to push through it either. Rewards are blatantly dated.
What's more, and this seems to be constantly overlooked by many... why is it that whole community has to wait for a reward buff when Defense Tactics only apply too T5-T1? If being concerned about these things is whining, guily as charged. Just the same, did you stop and think about any if that before saying people were whining? At all?
Sure they want us to spend resources to get as far as we can, but that does not mean everyone should be able to 100% every time.
This is a direct conflict to the desires of the player base. We want to 100% because no one wants to be "that guy" who doesn't finish their path and ruin chances for their whole ally. By ramping up the difficulty, Kabam has effectively made it possible for multiple people being "that guy" and potentially making it ok since it would be more common.
I wholly believe that Kabam knew full well what they did and the ramifications for doing it. I think allies need to take this into consideration and determine as a group what they want to do about it. If the intention is to 100% every war at all costs, then the players in that ally need to agree to those terms.
Regardless, I would be curious to see Kabam's statement on whether they abandoned their goal of eliminating 100% exploration or if this was a failed attempt at "no intended change in difficulty".