Fantastic Four Event Rewards Thoughts

If Kabam even thinks of considering the revives and units that are basically being given out this month as any sort of compensation for past bugs and atrocious customer appreciation and service, they ought to be thoroughly and utterly ashamed of themselves. They need to be more straight forward and tell us straight up hey y'all we know we messed up and here's some free revives. Kabam has a post from over a year ago that states they are going to do a better job at transparency with the community. If you ask for any specific examples that show them taking steps towards transparency they cannot show you any. But how many times can we point to something that was changed with no word from kabam until we pointed it out ourselves. I hope kabam see's this as an example to show the community how things have and will continue to change.

No, Kabam has not done an amazing job at admitting when they are wrong.
But please don't go assuming that this is Kabam's big attempt to shut all the haters up, OP. You never know, they might have a massive Summoner Appreciation Month prepared for the end of the year or something, and it might be awesome. Don't go assuming 'oh this is a good thing therefore this is Kabam's entire "oh we're sorry for all the s*** we've put out" package'.
If you're so mad at Kabam, just leave the game. You have the cell door key, you can leave whenever you want.
Yes, the rewards are nice.
I agree, way too nice for kabams standards.
Remember when they released gwenpool at the movies and the rewards were too good for the difficulty? They did not outright state it when the released the event but months later when compensation for issues the month that event were still being brought up kabam had the gall to say that event was the comp. you cant ex post facto compensation.
No, Kabam has not done an amazing job at admitting when they are wrong.
The only reason i belive that this is the equivalent of a thrown bone is because kabam has never made any attempts at being more open with us.
like i'm sure they have this event pre planned out but i'm sure they choose times to release it to maximize boot lickingness
Gwenpool goes to the movies was in no way compensation for anything. They didn't outright state anything because it was a planned event not related to anything else.
They've been pretty open in terms of communicating as well when they can. It's not as much as you'd like but there really isn't a level of transparency that would make most happy. Same with events and rewards. This is a good event but you are trying to turn it into something its not.
When you say things are changed without telling anyone, what are your examples of this?
Gwenpool goes to the movies epic was made really easy after floods of complaints the months because phones were melting.
I'm not gonna go through months of Kabam posts if you don't remember that news then I'm sorry maybe someone can help me with that.
What is the tin foil part the part where champs don't work or them wanting profit?