Missing AW season rewards!

JayProngsJayProngs Member Posts: 44
I was out for last one war of alliance but I am sure that I played more than 8 wars for same ally. So I'm eligible for rewards. And I didn't login game from then till 15 days but when I checked mail or stash I didn't find my season rewards. Pleases moderators look in this.


  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,887 Guardian
    2 questions..
    Did you actually finish the Season with that same alliance, and were your 8+ wars (technically only needs to be 5+) with that alliance all uninterrupted without having left the alliance at any points during that time ?? They have to be at least 5 with the same alliance you finish the season with (through to the time Rewards are sent out), and cannot have left (even temporarily) that last alliance during the final 5 wars you were in with them, in order to qualify.

    As for Mail Messages with Rewards (and their temporary status as unclaimed from Mail sitting in Stash), they only last about 14 days (I think, or maybe 30 ??) in the Unclaimed Mail “Rewards” Stash (similar to not claiming all Milestone levels of various Solo/Ally Events right away, they will keep unclaimed for only couple weeks in Rewards Stash). They won't sit there forever, nor would they automatically become Claimed all on their own.
  • JayProngsJayProngs Member Posts: 44
    Yes I am still in the same alliance from then. Till now.
    Also I logged in for a while in between time but I did not see rewards then also.
  • SiriusBreakSiriusBreak Member, Guardian Posts: 2,156 Guardian
    Send in a support ticket. They can't do anything about it here. Tap the little gear icon in the home screen of the game. Then tap support. Go through the prompts and send the appropriate information. Best of luck @JayProngs
  • Kabam PorthosKabam Porthos Moderator Posts: 4,676
    Hey JayProngs, unfortunately, we don't have direct access to in-game accounts here in the Forums and are unable to help with account-specific issues like this. Therefore, I recommend reaching out to our Support Team for assistance. You can contact them by clicking HERE.

    Alternatively, if you would prefer to contact our Support Team from within the game, simply click on the gear shaped icon, located in the top left corner of the Home screen. From there, tap the button which says “Support”, then tap the button that says “Need more help? Contact us”.
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