TEAMWORK: The Alliance

Looking for an alliance? Want to play MCOC with people who care as much about your growth and success as they do their own? Be part of an alliance that is committed to treating YOU with the utmost care and respect. An alliance that wants you succeed, and in turn the alliance succeeds.
At the moment, we are eager to recruit members 250k+ level 45+, but those are not required. Before personal issues caused difficulties in the alliance, we were doing aq 433×5, scoring about 40-50 mil per week. We finished last AW season at silver 3, despite losing heavy hitters with no notice at all to real world problems.
We will grow as big as possible, as fast as possible. The quicker we get the players we need, the sooner we can get back to exceeding our own expectations. Are you one of the players we are looking for? Well then what are your waiting for? Contact "Randylus Morgan" in game to get the ball rolling. Or you can just the alliance page in game [TM₩RK] TEAMWORK WE WIN. We look forward to gaming and growing WITH YOU!!!