Looking for 1 8400+ prestige player to bring in after AQ

We are a mostly US based alliance, we run map 5x5 so donations are low and we will be running map 6 in one BG in the coming weeks. Starting AQ prestige is right at 8500. Last season we were Gold 1 spot 2 and the season before that we were platinum 3. We will see how this new AW map plays out and decide if it is worth pushing for platinum.
If you are an active, experienced, adult player and this sounds like a good fit for you, hit me up on line. Id is phobos2977. Or check in game name is 'Das Mick'
If you are an active, experienced, adult player and this sounds like a good fit for you, hit me up on line. Id is phobos2977. Or check in game name is 'Das Mick'