Best Options For 5.4.1 Rage Path

Working through full Act 5 exploration, and the only path left in 5.4.1 is the rage path, which seems to be giving me more problems than I expected. What are some good options that won't cause rage to activate while still being effective?
Basically mystics with ability to nullify buffs are really good options..other than that champs with low base attack are good...I used my 4/55 imiw for 5.4.6 and one more rage path cuz his basic attacks don't trigger rage...x23 can be a good choice with her regen and dot and venom with sp1 om nom nom will help u regen by cancelling opponent's fury
I mean I was just wanting some overall suggestions, but these are my strongest 4 rows. I have several other 4* and 5*, they're just not ranked past 4r3 or 5r2. But if I kept hearing the suggestion of someone I have, I'd definitely go ahead and rank them up to use them.