The champion that takes you back to the start

You know when your scrolling through your 5* roster and just see that one champion that takes you back to when you first started playing? And your like, dam I remember how hyped I was for that first 5* crystal.
Well for me that was today and the champion was good old Iron Fist. This guy was my first every 5* champion and also by some horrible twist of fate my second!
So that then of course made him my first ever 5* dupe haha, talk about wanted to be remembered!
I must say even though he is not the best I did have a lot of fun with him. So much so he got an honorary rank up with one of my 2015 mystic gems, must say though I would love it so much if he was updated to be more viable again.
I love playing glass cannot playstyle as much as anyone but he really is more a glass water gun XD.
Anyone else had that nostalgic feeling recently?
Well for me that was today and the champion was good old Iron Fist. This guy was my first every 5* champion and also by some horrible twist of fate my second!
So that then of course made him my first ever 5* dupe haha, talk about wanted to be remembered!
I must say even though he is not the best I did have a lot of fun with him. So much so he got an honorary rank up with one of my 2015 mystic gems, must say though I would love it so much if he was updated to be more viable again.
I love playing glass cannot playstyle as much as anyone but he really is more a glass water gun XD.
Anyone else had that nostalgic feeling recently?
Oh yeah and then I also got a Gamora as... I believe she was my first 4*? And I loved just seeing those crazy crit numbers show up. I'm really happy they revamped her a bit recently. I've really enjoyed playing her again.
Quake, Voodoo, Gwenpool, Drax, Rogue.
He was my first 4* before 5*'s were a thing. Although his animations are all different now and he has swords. I think I like drax more pre-swords.
Will never forget that
There's some others like Ronan, wolverine ( My first ever four star), abomination and colossus.