As you get 50+ Five star heroes are you more or less likely to grind dungeons?

DoctorofEvilDoctorofEvil Member Posts: 217
There are two ways to look at it:

(1) Your roster of five stars is so big you are more likely to get a dupe than a new champ, so it's even less rewarding if your 1/10 chance for the god tier you are missing goes as is statistically likely.
(2) You have a big roster so its easier to do dungeons, and a 1/10 chance at the hero you want is still too good to pass up.

As you get 50+ Five star heroes are you more or less likely to grind dungeons? 24 votes

Grind more since its easier with bigger rosters
YotzLt_Magnum_1WoozieTony886WoogieboogieRehan010_Batman1903ZuroArsozAaronc94Too_qik 11 votes
Grind less (or not at all) because I'm likely to be disappointed with a dupe
BadroseKingKiahWicket329KillerRino19Noob2435CainMbizzMiStaLovaKalantakDrooped2AegorH3t3rDkiller123 13 votes


  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,688 ★★★★★
    The size of my roster is irrelevant to the difficulty of dungeons. Dungeons crystals are a better chance at champs I don't have. As long as that's the case and I'm playing the game I'll run them. 5 rooms of D7 ftw
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  • KalantakKalantak Member Posts: 1,300 ★★★★
    Grind less (or not at all) because I'm likely to be disappointed with a dupe
    i do them everytime and open a crystal and get a trash dupe but thats on me,i m mostly insane ,cause i do same stuff over and over and expect a diffrent result
  • BadroseBadrose Member Posts: 781 ★★★
    Grind less (or not at all) because I'm likely to be disappointed with a dupe
    Zero dungeons since the early 2019, too much effort for nothing
  • Lt_Magnum_1Lt_Magnum_1 Member Posts: 639 ★★
    Grind more since its easier with bigger rosters
    Grind more. It is an underrated source of gold. And with over 100 5* champs in the 5* basic pool, dungeon crystals can give you some control over who you get.
  • WoozieWoozie Member Posts: 479 ★★
    Grind more since its easier with bigger rosters
    Don't underestimate what they crystals have the potential for, the dungeons themselves suck and the timers and random partners are even worse, but I have pulled Domino & void out of the 5* versions, champs I have never pulled.
  • Putang76Putang76 Member Posts: 283 ★★
    Close to 50 but done with Dungeons a couple months ago
    To much work, and just got stung by RNG
    Added timers, super passive AI, playing with someone that’s in the wrong room!
    I still cringe thinking about the time wasted,
    Rather grind the deal with that mess again

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