Webslinger challenge round 4 tips!
Hey guys! So the Webslinger challenge has pretty great rewards(1200 4* shards if you complete round 4). However, some people just can't beat round 4. I beat round 4 with 4* rank 4 champs(yes I used an awakened StarLord with a 3000 rating but that isn't even necessary!). It did take some revive potions but it isn't that hard! The real challenge are Spiderman(classic) and champions who have a stun immunity. So how do you pass them? Use an Awakened Gwenpool and if you don't have her, just use any champion. When Spiderman(classic) evades, you have to block as quickly as possible. He will then try to break it with a heavy attack which is easy to counter. Spidey uses his first special quite often so evade and block it. When he's done with that attack, do NOT dash at him. He will counter it. Block until he uses his special instead. Try this strategy with every champion. And how do you beat Vulture? He prefers special 3 but try to make him use his first attack. It's easy to evade by just swiping to the left once. You can make him use his first attack by dashinh at him while he blocks, and then rapidly evade. This will result in a Vulture who uses his first attack. Just try that all the time. When he uses his third special, you're doomed.