6.2.2 Mr.Sinister

Albiefresh932Albiefresh932 Member Posts: 45
You guys need to do something about this Mr.Sinister. It is close to impossible to beat him without specific champs. I’ve literally made it to him 6 times almost full health and can’t even put a dent into him. He is soooo champ specific. I’m literally stuck at him when I could get the rest of 6.2 done with my roster. Without Hyp, Medusa, Cap marvel and 2-3 others it’s impossible. Not even units would help. You still need this champs to even get him down.


  • Albiefresh932Albiefresh932 Member Posts: 45

  • Albiefresh932Albiefresh932 Member Posts: 45

  • GreywardenGreywarden Member Posts: 843 ★★★★

    You guys need to do something about this Mr.Sinister. It is close to impossible to beat him without specific champs. I’ve literally made it to him 6 times almost full health and can’t even put a dent into him. He is soooo champ specific. I’m literally stuck at him when I could get the rest of 6.2 done with my roster. Without Hyp, Medusa, Cap marvel and 2-3 others it’s impossible. Not even units would help. You still need this champs to even get him down.

    You have r4 OG Hulk in your roster. He can do some work for you if you can get some stun chains going.
  • DonChingonDonChingon Member Posts: 12
    Doesn’t Cull have heal block?
  • Albiefresh932Albiefresh932 Member Posts: 45
    Every time you die his regen gets insane.
  • Albiefresh932Albiefresh932 Member Posts: 45
    Cull would die from shock and poison
  • Albiefresh932Albiefresh932 Member Posts: 45
    Not trying to sound like an A-hole but I’ve talked to some of the top players in the game and they are saying it’s close to impossible with my roster.
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  • Albiefresh932Albiefresh932 Member Posts: 45
    Exactly my point. Make it difficult yes I agree but this champ specific is BS. I could see if it were a lane that was champ specific not the main boss. It’s BS. I just spent $200 on cav crystals on Sunday hoping to pull one of the champs I need and didn’t get anything.
  • Madman_marvinMadman_marvin Member Posts: 681 ★★★★
    This is a good way to get your thread shut down. Don't tag mods for a thread about complaining about a boss that has already been addressed. In saying that, I had to use my 3/45 Crossbones for the job. Took some boosts, and plenty of revives, but he did it. Get overrun activated, take about 10-15 percent off of health, repeat. It's unfortunate that it is such a niche fight and I don't agree with it either.
  • Albiefresh932Albiefresh932 Member Posts: 45
    Must’ve been like 600 revives.
  • AznkerbzAznkerbz Member Posts: 114
    It's a tough fight. I got lucky and had Heimdall Hela synergy. Took out Sinister with a duped r4 AA with 4-5 revives and a wiped out potion stash.

    Best bet is Hulk with stun chain and revives with 20% since he will get fury and do as much damage as possible before Hulk dies. Good luck man.
  • Albiefresh932Albiefresh932 Member Posts: 45
    @Aznkerbz yea see I don’t have any of that. Every time he defeats a science champ his regen increases. So it’s harder the more you die.
  • Madman_marvinMadman_marvin Member Posts: 681 ★★★★

    Must’ve been like 600 revives.

    Actually it took about 8 small free revives from F4 use and then another 6/7 40% . If you boost and get overrun going, you take about 10% off each match.
  • Albiefresh932Albiefresh932 Member Posts: 45
    @Madman_marvin do you have a video?
  • Albiefresh932Albiefresh932 Member Posts: 45
    That’s impossible!
  • Madman_marvinMadman_marvin Member Posts: 681 ★★★★

    @Madman_marvin do you have a video?

    Naw man, I don't screen record too many big fights like that because of bad lag on my phone. Definitely not impossible. The furies prevent you from getting poison and since CB doesn't crit, Sinister doesn't heal. The shocks from the L1 will kill you each time. Rinse and repeat. I had boosts on 15% attack and 20% attack plus health.
  • Albiefresh932Albiefresh932 Member Posts: 45
    He needs the dupe mine isn’t duped. @Madman_marvin
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  • Madman_marvinMadman_marvin Member Posts: 681 ★★★★

    He needs the dupe mine isn’t duped. @Madman_marvin

    Doesn't need the dupe. Dupe only lets you shrug off debuffs. Mine ain't duped and I actually thought about awakening him since I have 3 skill gems. However, going up against a mutant makes the sig ability less useful so I didn't do it.
  • Albiefresh932Albiefresh932 Member Posts: 45
    “Dupe allows him to shrug off debuffs”. EXACTLY why he needs the dupe. Or else I could take any fury champ into the fight.
  • GreywardenGreywarden Member Posts: 843 ★★★★

    @Aznkerbz yea see I don’t have any of that. Every time he defeats a science champ his regen increases. So it’s harder the more you die.

    Not saying OG Hulk makes it easy or anything but it changes that fight from impossible (if you have no poison immune that can get fury either by natural means or Heimdall) to theoretically possible.

    Yes, Sinister gets increased healing every time he beats a science champ however he only heals on crits and Hulk has terrible crit rating so the healing shouldn't trigger as much. If you can get to sinister without much trouble I suggest you at least try Hulk out.
  • Madman_marvinMadman_marvin Member Posts: 681 ★★★★
    Man like I said, mine isn't duped. His base abilities allow for you not to get poisoned on every hit with furies up. The RNG may get you and you may catch a poison, but the each fury at R3 reduce ability accuracy by 22% stack 5 and no chance for poison, but even 3/4 reduce the 50% chance to really low numbers. The shocks from that node will get you, but not before you get some damage in. The biggest thing with CB is that Sinister will not heal.
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    Yep, it needs changing, arguably the worst fight design since collector, I’ve done that quest 100% now, but it took me on average 6 revives using hype
  • Albiefresh932Albiefresh932 Member Posts: 45
    @Lvernon15 exactly. Caustic temper needs removed or reduce the % of it. Shouldn’t need a poison immune and a fury champ. One of the other would be ok.
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★

    @Lvernon15 exactly. Caustic temper needs removed or reduce the % of it. Shouldn’t need a poison immune and a fury champ. One of the other would be ok.

    I agree, or even remove sinister as the boss and change him to somebody who doesn’t stop any champ, which would make options like a ramped up aegon or ghost which a good portion of 6.2 players have, and would make it possible to deal a lot more damage with champs like medusa
  • MabkaZuckMabkaZuck Member Posts: 80
    Yes you need specific champs
    I solo him 10 times with CMM+NF+Kamara
    no potion used..
  • edited June 2019
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  • Ultra8529Ultra8529 Member Posts: 526 ★★★
    Cap Marvel Movie,


    Or heimdall synergy team.

    Those are pretty much your only reasonable options. Otherwise its spend your way through
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