Which new characters should be added to Mcoc?

Which new characters shoudk be added to this game? (Other poll with different characters will be added soon!)
Which new characters should be added to Mcoc? 63 votes
He could be a great solid Science champ. Also be the only regen science.
Plus his build could be really well designed if he followed the green goblin stance and menacing appeal.
I'd love to see lizard, plus there is a space on the 120 champs chart that Could fit him. But others says it's for Kraven. I'd much rather it be Lizard.
He can steal anyone's power &/or energy dmg and convert it. Plus he has the "power cosmos" in the comics. He's awesome (despite the FF movies making him lame).
(Hulk, Red Hulk, Joe Fixit, Dormammu, Rhino, etc.)