Looking for alliance

Hello I'm looking for an active alliance that uses line or discord. I enjoy chatting and I'm 180k player rating thanks.


  • PaarthurnaxPaarthurnax Member Posts: 2
    Hey man, if you’re still looking hit me up on line chat: paarthurnax-line
  • InclinedblueInclinedblue Member Posts: 20
    @YawYeet message me on discord (ID is inclinedblue) if you are still looking for an ally
  • Obaid_Jacob03Obaid_Jacob03 Member Posts: 72
    We run map 4/3/2 depending on war days, consistently hitting 40M in AQ.
    Casual alliance, no donations. LINE not mandatory.
    We hit about 400k in summoner advancement and expect no minimum milestones..
    In-Game ID- Reynie3
    LINE ID- Reynie3
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