Time to Take a Little Class Trip!



  • BrazenhutBrazenhut Member Posts: 134
    @Spurgeo14 there is no time limit. You can take your time. I have left the quest halfway and finished it the next day.
  • Apocalypse189Apocalypse189 Member Posts: 1,135 ★★★
    Isnt it time to let us preview the paths before wasting a entry so that we dont take the wrong champion in
  • -sixate--sixate- Member Posts: 1,532 ★★★★★
    Drooped2 said:

    We all know that they'll add more markers that you have to pay units for with the daily crystal. Other than that I doubt they have further plans for markers.

    Maybe I'm in a minority but I got 12 tickets for epic (used 6)
    And 6 tickets for master atm and have a fair bit of objectives left

    I can easily see finishing 3 difficulties (I likely won't do heroic tho cause meh)
    Same here, don't know what guys are conplaining about. I had all objctives clear except the dungeons last week. I'll have so many markers left over once I complete dungeons and clear master and epic 100% I don't know what I'll do with them. Not wasting my time running anything below master either.
  • Madman_marvinMadman_marvin Member Posts: 681 ★★★★
    -sixate- said:

    Drooped2 said:

    We all know that they'll add more markers that you have to pay units for with the daily crystal. Other than that I doubt they have further plans for markers.

    Maybe I'm in a minority but I got 12 tickets for epic (used 6)
    And 6 tickets for master atm and have a fair bit of objectives left

    I can easily see finishing 3 difficulties (I likely won't do heroic tho cause meh)
    Same here, don't know what guys are conplaining about. I had all objctives clear except the dungeons last week. I'll have so many markers left over once I complete dungeons and clear master and epic 100% I don't know what I'll do with them. Not wasting my time running anything below master either.
    If you’ve cleared all that means you got lucky and pulled the right champs. Of course you’re going to have markers left over.
  • -sixate--sixate- Member Posts: 1,532 ★★★★★
    If you play enough you get a ton of shards. I pop crystals all the time. I did get lucky and got a 5* Green Goblin, plus I duped my 5* Spidey again just last night. The others I wasn't worried about. Drop rates seemed good for 3* and 4* champs on those crystals. It's just a matter of using the right champs to clear all the other objectives.
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,331 ★★★★★
    Win Quest fight against 🕷️-verse champions is really repetitive.

    Load Quest
    Exit Quest
    Load Quest
    Exit Quest

  • Dtl7714Dtl7714 Member Posts: 493 ★★★
    While win quest fight against spiderverse champ is the most tedious objective, its milestones are achievable without work arounds. You just cant expect to do it all in one day.

    Monthly Event Quest:
    Stage 3 Venom, AV, and Cosmic Spidey
    Stage 4 Spider Man and Stark Enhanced

    5 fights × 5 runs each stage for 100%=25
    25 × 4 difficulties Normal-Uncollected=100

    Take that + a few on the lanes and clearing all the stages as well as working on field trip and there are enough fights from just clearing the events.

    Like I said, you just can't expect to do it all in one day.
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,331 ★★★★★
    MCOC Team said:

    Don’t have one of these Champions? Don’t worry! On the Final week of the Event, we’ll be launching new Special Objectives that reward you with a 2-Star Version of the Champion for defeating them 50 times in Arenas, Quests, or Duels!

    I am missing three 2☆ champs; Green Goblin, Spider-gwen and Venom. To get them means 150 fights! :s
  • TriguyTriguy Member Posts: 61

    The way the warning is worded it 100% sounds like you would be refunded your entry ticket. Kabam needs to fix this. There is no way of knowing which paths you've already taken unless you just happen to remember so it's necessary to allow for a ticket refund in case I grab the wrong champs for the gate or path you needed. It is definitely not refunding entry tickets.
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,331 ★★★★★
    Triguy said:

    The way the warning is worded it 100% sounds like you would be refunded your entry ticket. Kabam needs to fix this. There is no way of knowing which paths you've already taken unless you just happen to remember so it's necessary to allow for a ticket refund in case I grab the wrong champs for the gate or path you needed. It is definitely not refunding entry tickets.

    What could be these any items spent to open gates?
  • trcischmutcitrcischmutci Member Posts: 8
    Yeah,I have the same problem.I've wasted 750 for master entry
  • PerfeXion17PerfeXion17 Member Posts: 3
    I'm only open to Normal and Beginner difficulty. Why is this so?
  • UfuomahUfuomah Member Posts: 37
    I brought in the wrong champs since I forgot which champs I needed to clear the last path in week two. I read the message about a refund and quit to change champs and said goodbye to my slip
  • UfuomahUfuomah Member Posts: 37
    Wasted 2 epic slips this way cos I couldn't remember which paths 8 had cleared
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,983 ★★★★★

    I'm only open to Normal and Beginner difficulty. Why is this so?

    It's based on your progress in Storymode.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    I agree that it is worded badly. If you can't remember which path you cleared just take both champs needed for the gates.
  • KoperBoyKoperBoy Member Posts: 210 ★★
    RanoMano said:

    Ok something needs to be done about the markers. I have got 6k markers and used them to 100% 2 weeks but I don’t where I am going to get more as I am done on all quest objectives and few arena objectives and i need 6000 just to complete epic . Epic fail unless I pull 5* spider verse or do dungeons 🤮

    "Markers are epic fail because I don't want to do dungeons"

    What are you, 5?

  • TreoTreo Member Posts: 403 ★★
    The grind for this side quest is way to intense ... it would be great if you could tune it done a few notches ... over 200 fights in quests with a spiderverse champ ... 10 2star spiderverse champs ... I still don’t have most done ... because I don’t have the rng or the interest anymore to even try to ... it’s just to much ... the idea of fun ... the intense grind needed no sorry .... if the next one is the same I will just pass ... just like I now pass dungeons because of the to long times to recharge ... arena grinds except if I want a champ .... just playing less and less the more grind it needed ... I don’t mind getting behind ... because I will never get to the top
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,458 Guardian
    Treo said:

    The grind for this side quest is way to intense ... it would be great if you could tune it done a few notches ... over 200 fights in quests with a spiderverse champ ... 10 2star spiderverse champs ... I still don’t have most done ... because I don’t have the rng or the interest anymore to even try to ... it’s just to much ... the idea of fun ... the intense grind needed no sorry .... if the next one is the same I will just pass ... just like I now pass dungeons because of the to long times to recharge ... arena grinds except if I want a champ .... just playing less and less the more grind it needed ... I don’t mind getting behind ... because I will never get to the top

    200 fights with spiderverse champs is something you could knock out with ten fights a day in three weeks. And pulling ten 2* spiderverse champs is one of the easiest goals to reach. If those two represent what you'd describe as "intense grinding" I'm not sure what to say except the game would be a hollow shell of itself if the difficulty was lowered below those levels.

    I'm aware that different people have different progress levels in the game, different life circumstances, and different degrees of challenge, but in the grand scheme of things that's still an extremely low bar to set for the whole game to follow. At some point, you just have to accept that you may not be able to do everything to the highest degree the game throws at the players, and if that's unacceptable to you then you probably have to find a far more casual effort capped game.
  • PintzzPintzz Member Posts: 297 ★★
    I've got all the two-five star champ objectives. But also opened 100 of my hoarded PHC shard crystals which completed the two and three Star. If I didn't have that probably wouldn't have completed.
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    There's just so much energy you need to spend this month. 4 energy a tile for Epic is a bit excessive.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,458 Guardian

    I normally don’t respond to you but in this case I’ll make an exception.

    I can't wait.

    For you to tell this person that maybe it’s above their skill or they are too casual to complete the objectives is laughable.

    Well, I didn't say that, so I guess you changed your mind about that exception. This isn't a response to me.

    And whatever your in-game resume is, if you think 200 fights in a five week event is too much for the game, something you don't even have to go out of your way to do because most players probably fight over 200 quest fights in five weeks, then my advice is the same: the game's grind is probably too high for your gaming sensibilities, but I wouldn't want the game to target that mark. Whether the shield markers take too much effort to gather on the whole is debatable, but if that's your point of pain that's way outside the range of what I think is reasonably debatable.

  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,331 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    I normally don’t respond to you but in this case I’ll make an exception.

    I can't wait.

    For you to tell this person that maybe it’s above their skill or they are too casual to complete the objectives is laughable.

    if you think 200 fights in a five week event is too much for the game, something you don't even have to go out of your way to do because most players probably fight over 200 quest fights in five weeks,

    I think the message is not the 200 quest fights but luck out in RNG on PHCs, 3 to 5 Star hero crystals.
  • bloodyCainbloodyCain Member Posts: 910 ★★★
    Ok. So each chapter has 3 paths and you need a permission slip for each path. There are 4 chapters for each difficulty.
    It means you need 12 permission slip for each difficulty. You can pick whatever difficulty you wanna do but you WILL NEVER get to do all differenties.
    Because you won't get enough SHIELD markers to buy the permission slip needed.
    I'm currently trying my best to do all the mini missions (using symbiote champ etc) and still have around 8500 markers. Barely reaching 9k markers.
    Meaning I could possibly cannot 100% an Epic difficulty and losing a chance to get the rewards.

    Will we get more markers towards the end of this monthly event? Hopefully I can get an answer for that
  • Apocalypse189Apocalypse189 Member Posts: 1,135 ★★★

    Ok. So each chapter has 3 paths and you need a permission slip for each path. There are 4 chapters for each difficulty.
    It means you need 12 permission slip for each difficulty. You can pick whatever difficulty you wanna do but you WILL NEVER get to do all differenties.
    Because you won't get enough SHIELD markers to buy the permission slip needed.
    I'm currently trying my best to do all the mini missions (using symbiote champ etc) and still have around 8500 markers. Barely reaching 9k markers.
    Meaning I could possibly cannot 100% an Epic difficulty and losing a chance to get the rewards.

    Will we get more markers towards the end of this monthly event? Hopefully I can get an answer for that

    Once you complete week 4 you get more Markers, so I'd do master first get the markers then do epic or however works for you
  • RulllorRulllor Member Posts: 155
    Worst idea is this class gates. I am uncollected and not pulled black symbiote spider yet so no 100% for me. Pls let me buy champs even 1* please I am sad this sucks
  • J_SenderoJ_Sendero Member Posts: 10
    How are we supposed to fight vulture 50 times in a week? I cant find him in any story content (event or campaign) and I've spent literally my whole day trying to find spiderverse heros, and havent come across a single vulture. And I'm supposed to find and beat him 50 times in 7 days?
  • crogscrogs Member Posts: 779 ★★★

    Its not possible to get enough markers to 100% epic, is it?

    I'm not the most active player. I finished epic and master and have 7500 shields left (keep in mind you get them for completion and exploration too) . All I've done this month is content that led to earning them via the objectives. I did get lucky (or unlucky on that actual pull) pulling a spider 5*, but I now have two 5* crystals to open. And to say I'm not that active, I haven't even earned a 2nd t5b yet. Still 42k or so away from my 2nd. Sigh.

    As far as arena, I got doc ock twice to help earn the arena objectives. First time I've gone for a basic since magneto's first run at basic ages ago. Much easier to hit 1.7 now.
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