Gulk and Hyperion???

jkcjmijijkcjmiji Member Posts: 283
So, I downloaded the game yesterday after quitting for about 3 months and played enough to form one 5* and one 6* crystal. I ended up getting a 5* Hyperion and 6* Gulk.

Last time i played those two champs were pretty useful in most quests. I don't know how effective they are unawakened tho especially that 6* Gulk.

Are they as good as they were before?


  • jkcjmijijkcjmiji Member Posts: 283
    @OneManArmy I happen to have a Cosmic Awakening gem. Should I use it on him? I don't have Medusa or CG yet.
  • Scrubkiller_1Scrubkiller_1 Member Posts: 152
    Phenomenal pulls. My 6* gulk was phenomenal for variant 2 and I use him a ton. Hype is insane, easily worth the AG.
  • hungryhungrybbqhungryhungrybbq Member Posts: 2,262 ★★★★★
    Yes, use gem on Hype. I love gulk, I have a 5/65 duped, the healing is nice, but not required to be a good champ.
  • NimorNimor Member Posts: 110
    Really good pulls man. I think gulk has even gotten up in value in the last few months. Really great champion for map 6 (if its relative) and a lot of other bs fights. His awaken is good but not that necessary. Hype is indeed one of the best champions in the game and definitely worth the ag.
  • Crimsontide1616Crimsontide1616 Member Posts: 303 ★★
    jkcjmiji said:

    So, I downloaded the game yesterday after quitting for about 3 months and played enough to form one 5* and one 6* crystal. I ended up getting a 5* Hyperion and 6* Gulk.

    Last time i played those two champs were pretty useful in most quests. I don't know how effective they are unawakened tho especially that 6* Gulk.

    Are they as good as they were before?

    Great pulls man! I have rank 5/65 ghulk and Hyperion and they both have a huge place in the game. Like the poster above, I think Hyperion is the best champ in mcoc - he just keeps going up in value- I’d awaken him over any cosmic champ, easily
  • TwmRTwmR Member Posts: 662 ★★★
    jkcjmiji said:

    @OneManArmy I happen to have a Cosmic Awakening gem. Should I use it on him? I don't have Medusa or CG yet.

    Definitely worth the gem, I love hype and have my unduped 5* at r4 would put a gem in him and instantly r5 if I did.
    As others have said the dupe makes a huge difference
  • solmyrairsolmyrair Member Posts: 388
    edited July 2019
    So I have one question now..

    Got 5* Gulk and Emma. I can rank up one of them to 4/5.. who should I chose?

    Both unduped, both have good utility. Looking in future Gulk can help in Variant 2 (like someone mentioned) but Emma’s immunity and SP2 is amazing as well.. really stuck here.. or just wait for something better?

    Just to add, Magik will be definitely rank up but still need catalysts.

  • jkcjmijijkcjmiji Member Posts: 283

    Thank you guys for your suggestions. I used my Awakening gem on him
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  • jkcjmijijkcjmiji Member Posts: 283
    @OneManArmy waiting for the level up event to rank him up a bit.
    So, do you just do Heavy, Heavy, Sp3, Heavy, Heavy, Sp2? and repeat?
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  • solmyrairsolmyrair Member Posts: 388

    solmyrair said:

    So I have one question now..

    Got 5* Gulk and Emma. I can rank up one of them to 4/5.. who should I chose?

    Both unduped, both have good utility. Looking in future Gulk can help in Variant 2 (like someone mentioned) but Emma’s immunity and SP2 is amazing as well.. really stuck here.. or just wait for something better?

    Just to add, Magik will be definitely rank up but still need catalysts.

    Out of the 2 id say emma wins by a bit. Shes a very usefull champ if played right immune to pretty much everything. That magik is dope aswell tho
    Any more suggestions for above?
  • XdSpoodermanxDXdSpoodermanxD Member Posts: 531 ★★★
    Congrats. I wish I had your luck.
  • PrathapPrathap Member Posts: 583 ★★★
    jkcjmiji said:

    So, I downloaded the game yesterday after quitting for about 3 months and played enough to form one 5* and one 6* crystal. I ended up getting a 5* Hyperion and 6* Gulk.

    Last time i played those two champs were pretty useful in most quests. I don't know how effective they are unawakened tho especially that 6* Gulk.

    Are they as good as they were before?

    It's 3 months not 3 years lol.. :)

  • BenQcSlayerBenQcSlayer Member Posts: 867 ★★★
    Hyperion and Ghulk are amazing Champs.

    Only downside is when you do advanced content and you have to take on nodes that punishes you for every buff or debuffs you create.

    But overall.... amazing pull
  • Nick_Caine_32Nick_Caine_32 Member Posts: 587 ★★★★
    jkcjmiji said:

    So, I downloaded the game yesterday after quitting for about 3 months and played enough to form one 5* and one 6* crystal. I ended up getting a 5* Hyperion and 6* Gulk.

    Last time i played those two champs were pretty useful in most quests. I don't know how effective they are unawakened tho especially that 6* Gulk.

    Are they as good as they were before?

    @jkcjmiji That 6 star Gulk will carry you through SO MUCH of this game. Honestly even though my roster was doing fine and pretty stacked before I pulled him, it was like I got a magic (magik?) key when I opened him. Doesn't need to be duped to have his ability work. If you're running map 6 in alliance quest, I turned into an MVP just from using him because of the nodes. Degen and starburst nodes don't work against him. He destroys magik and any other champs with similar damage over time effects (read his description and the champ spotlights/content creator videos for a full list of who he's good against). Dormammu is a new mini boss on map 6 and I can run through him like it was nothing, Gulk barely takes damage from his degen. He's got power lock, heal block, stun, damage itself is good with crits, triggers hulk smash and it's all gravy from there. Variant 2 was a piece of cake and he did a lot of the heavy lifting for me. Trust pulled arguably one of the best 6 star champs you possibly could.
  • jkcjmijijkcjmiji Member Posts: 283
    @Prathap LOL. I know it's only 3 months but I really don't have that great memory of ranking of all the champs, especially the ones I don't have (naturally I just didn't care about the champs I didn't have), so I thought I'd share the comeback pulls as well as asking if they were good pulls.
  • jkcjmijijkcjmiji Member Posts: 283
    @Nick_Caine_32 thanks for letting me know. One thing tho. I am not in a 'real' alliance. I made an alliance (me and my second account) just to get some alliance event rewards so I probably won't be doing any map 6 but I will try the Variant 2 and see how i do.
  • Nick_Caine_32Nick_Caine_32 Member Posts: 587 ★★★★
    jkcjmiji said:

    @Nick_Caine_32 thanks for letting me know. One thing tho. I am not in a 'real' alliance. I made an alliance (me and my second account) just to get some alliance event rewards so I probably won't be doing any map 6 but I will try the Variant 2 and see how i do.

    gotcha gotcha. even then, I think you will be happy just using him on the solo/event stuff in the game without an alliance. If you're doing any act 5 and 6 content or even the monthly uncollected event, they throw champs and nodes in there sometimes who Gulk just blows right through barely taking a scratch. I can't say enough good about him, I truly think hes one of the most underrated champs in the game.
  • jkcjmijijkcjmiji Member Posts: 283
    @BenQcSlayer Oh I guess that applies to every champ tho right? No one champ is the solution for every node/quest.
    I do have a few other 5* champs I can use. My top ones are:

    BLADE 4/55 duped
    MAGIK 4/55 duped
    Sabretooth 4/55 unduped
    Quake 3/45 unduped
    *Hyperion 3/45 duped
    Symbiote Sureme 3/45 unduped
    Domino 2/35 unduped
    Spider-Gwen 3/45 unduped
    She-hulk 2/35 unduped
    SL 3/45 unduped
    Heimdall 2/35 unduped

    I think these champs might be able to cover most of the content now right??
  • jkcjmijijkcjmiji Member Posts: 283
    @Nick_Caine_32 All right. I am planning on 100% completing Act 5 now (since I have done it one time through). Which chapter in Act 5 do you think he's best in? 5.4? 5.3?
  • BenQcSlayerBenQcSlayer Member Posts: 867 ★★★
    jkcjmiji said:

    @BenQcSlayer Oh I guess that applies to every champ tho right? No one champ is the solution for every node/quest.
    I do have a few other 5* champs I can use. My top ones are:

    BLADE 4/55 duped
    MAGIK 4/55 duped
    Sabretooth 4/55 unduped
    Quake 3/45 unduped
    *Hyperion 3/45 duped
    Symbiote Sureme 3/45 unduped
    Domino 2/35 unduped
    Spider-Gwen 3/45 unduped
    She-hulk 2/35 unduped
    SL 3/45 unduped
    Heimdall 2/35 unduped

    I think these champs might be able to cover most of the content now right??

    You do have a stacked roster...

  • ToxicBladeToxicBlade Member Posts: 62
    Absolutely. Hyperion does have a large benefit from being awakened but he is still amazing without it.
  • Zayo_278Zayo_278 Member Posts: 264
    jkcjmiji said:

    Thank you guys for your suggestions. I used my Awakening gem on him

    You should have waited to get him to at least rank 3 before using the gem,you might end up duping him.
  • jkcjmijijkcjmiji Member Posts: 283
    @Zayo_278 I already had enough resource to rank him up to R3, I was just waiting for level up event.
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