Hulkbuster... Iron Man.. Collosus..

I understand Collosus and Iron Patriot are getting buffs this year, but seriously- pulling HB or IM as 5 stars is truly devastating. Kabam- end the disappointment forever, make the game more balanced! Around 30 champs in the game are completely ignored by most people. Any buff suggestions leave a comment

Just did a little data mining and found some buffs for Iron Patriot. Looks like he's gonna be the new Star Lord. Better take him to R4 as a 5 star.
When Iron Patriot uses a special, all current armor stacks become permanent
Iron Patriot's special 1 armor break now lasts 30 seconds and can refresh by consuming an armor buff.
20% per hit to buff armor, reducing damage taken by 3469
Attack increases by 15% per armor buff
Permanent armor stacks up to 99
When enemies have an armor break on them, Iron Patriot's attacks have a 80% chance to stun for 1.5 seconds.
Max PI with sig 99 is 4810, without sig is 4000
New sig ability: Iron Patriot's armor becomes stronger, increasing his attack by an additional 5% per armor buff. Additionally, whenever the opponent has an active armor break, his attack increases by 50%.
READ: This thread was posted 8 months ago, and may have been disconsidered by Kabam, but we do not have any confirmations on this.
It’s says u posted this 3 weeks ago
I believe these stats may have been relinquished, leading onto the buff poll