Uncollected Symb Spidey - immediate ko - dont be stupid like me.

Hi all.
I was missing something really obvious, happened to me twice so just wanted to raise it as an issue to be wary of.
Fighting the symbiotic spidey boss on uncollected.
He's down to his last 15%, so I use Venom on him. Hes stun immune, so I enter the fight, block a hit to bait a heavy. Sym throws a heavy, i swipe into him.
Before I even hit him, I lose 15k health and I'm ko'd.
Revived venom, wonder what had happened. Same happens again.
Basically, the tiny bit of power youre getting from the first blocked hit to bait the heavy is then drained, causing the immediate loss of the 15k.
Ended up just having to intercept instead.
This is mainly me being stupid, but wanted to raise it as something to be aware of.
I imagine some of you pros just wrecked sym spidey without this even being an issue.
I was missing something really obvious, happened to me twice so just wanted to raise it as an issue to be wary of.
Fighting the symbiotic spidey boss on uncollected.
He's down to his last 15%, so I use Venom on him. Hes stun immune, so I enter the fight, block a hit to bait a heavy. Sym throws a heavy, i swipe into him.
Before I even hit him, I lose 15k health and I'm ko'd.
Revived venom, wonder what had happened. Same happens again.
Basically, the tiny bit of power youre getting from the first blocked hit to bait the heavy is then drained, causing the immediate loss of the 15k.
Ended up just having to intercept instead.
This is mainly me being stupid, but wanted to raise it as something to be aware of.
I imagine some of you pros just wrecked sym spidey without this even being an issue.
If it gets to a point where your power is about to empty, it may be better letting sym spidey lad a clean hit than lose the immediate 15k from the empty power.
Good luck!