Imiw repulser question

Col_sanders1Col_sanders1 Member Posts: 50
In imiw abilities it says his repulsor blasts can’t be evaded yet night crawler still evades


  • TKS87TKS87 Member Posts: 375 ★★★
    Not every one of his attacks are repulsor attacks. I believe it's his initial dash attack, the 2nd light and your combo ending light attack that are repulsor attacks.

    Ie in a 5 hit MLLLL combo, attacks 1, 3 and 5 are repulsor attacks. Attacks 2 and 4 are not. Also if you end the combo with a medium instead of light attack, the medium is not a repulsor attack. So evade champs can still evade certain attacks on him.

    Quick tip: he does have a synergy with stark enhanced spider man, black widow and punisher 2099 that lowers opponents chance to evade basic attacks by 35%. That could also help you out against evade champs
  • Jawarrior2001Jawarrior2001 Member Posts: 303

    He actually evades repulsor attacks if you look at the topic above, but of course Kabam can't respond to bug threads.....
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