About being in an Alliance

I know being in an Alliance has its benefits as in it's kinda part of the whole game, but I chose to be solo/self-made alliance (to get some alliance event rewards) to not be shackled by AQ/AW schedule and being stressed about dying and not having enough glory to get that one more revive to take down that 2% health boss.
I just wanted to know if there is anybody out there like me who would just rather play solo and save units to get the huge deal like yesterday's and do your story modes/EQs.
I just wanted to know if there is anybody out there like me who would just rather play solo and save units to get the huge deal like yesterday's and do your story modes/EQs.
You surely can play solo. But it's going to be a much slower progression. Even in a very lax alliance, you're going to get a lot more rewards from AQ, AW, and alliance events (completion, arena, etc) that you're just not getting alone.
@Colinwhitworth69 yeah the rewards are good but i think at a certain point, if you don't have the champs to rank up then you kind don't need that many T4CCs, being a solo was pretty okay but then again if there is a casual alliance I wouldn't mind.
Being part of an alliance does require commitment to the team and you are held responsible for taking down nodes on time in AQ and AW.
If you ever have time and wish to progress faster, joining an alliance is the way to go. You wil get a lot of rewards, and like I like to repeat on this forum, if you join a 3bg alliance that does 100% in AQ every week and wins a majority of AW, you will ramp up your roster very fast.
Another benefit if you join a good alliance, is to be surrounded by more experienced and better players. They can provide a lot of information and tricks and tips about mostly everything in the game.
As for having enough Glory for revives, it all comes down to how good your alliance does in the ranking of AQ. If your alliance does 3 bg of Aq and complete at 100% every week, (which is not that difficult), you will have more than enough to purchase revives, but also Catalists fragments of any kind.
Like others have mentionned before, you can also join semi retired alliances which provides a lot of flexibility.
If you ever have time to commit to a full 3bg of AW and AQ in a serious alliance that aims at gold 2, and uses the prestige method for AQ, your profil will skyrocket in a few months.
I have been in such alliances for the last 7 months, and I have ranked up 6 x5* to 4/5, got 2 x 6*, and ranked up a bunch of usefull 4* to 5/5. That is how much ressources you can get from joining alliances.