5* ghost r5 or 6* corvus r2

KihlgastKihlgast Member Posts: 111
I need some advice on who to rank up. I currently have sparky, blade and void at r5 and have no problems getting through monthly events. I have done completion on act 6.1 and is looking to 100% it.

I really love playing ghost, but i dont have a 5* Wasp to bring to act 6 for synergy. Otherwise inwpuld have ranked ghost.
Corvus is a 6* and most likely better for the future. He has some insane damage, But When his charges are gone is just suckes so bad.

Any advice would be Much appreciated

5* ghost r5 or 6* corvus r2 9 votes

Ghost R5
TheManMythLegend 1 vote
Corvus R2
ZzzRoOOts10or_StrongB_Dizzle_01FhfjghhggggjfhfjgH3t3rThiccDaddyGeesyThoye3 8 votes
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