Increase Crystal buying and opening limit

At now maximum 10 crystals you can buy and same maximum 10 crystals can open at a time.
Why not allow players to feed a desired no. Of crystals and buy or open them in a single hit.
Many of players who hoarding crystals and when they want to buy or open them than they have to buy or open crystals in a lot of 10 crystals only.
Even if you have 12000 crystals shards than either press on single buying button for 6 times or press on 5 Crystal pack and exit and buy single.
I think its save lot of time for players.
Why not allow players to feed a desired no. Of crystals and buy or open them in a single hit.
Many of players who hoarding crystals and when they want to buy or open them than they have to buy or open crystals in a lot of 10 crystals only.
Even if you have 12000 crystals shards than either press on single buying button for 6 times or press on 5 Crystal pack and exit and buy single.
I think its save lot of time for players.