variant 3.3 modok starburst

jdyke23jdyke23 Member Posts: 215
good afternoon, i’ve tried searching seeing if anyone had mentioned anything but couldn’t find anything myself so here goes. what was everyone’s solution to modok on starburst/tranquility in 3.3? i’ve mainly been using hulk but takes a revive or too with the auto block and there must be someone who can one shot ? i don’t have a heimdall so no true strike option i have proxima but she’s r3 and the tranquility removes my prowess. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as it’s my path 😂


  • MasterIanGMasterIanG Member Posts: 9
    Don’t remember that specific node, but if you can parry him... Domino works for everything as long as you have red hulk. Just parry, heavy and watch him burn.
  • jdyke23jdyke23 Member Posts: 215
    it’s variant 1 bud can only use cosmic and science champs and yes he can be parried
  • MasterIanGMasterIanG Member Posts: 9
    Ahh. I thought you were talking about variant 2. My bad.
  • Anurag1606Anurag1606 Member Posts: 1,189 ★★★
    jdyke23 said:

    it’s variant 1 bud can only use cosmic and science champs and yes he can be parried

    Sorry I just have competed variant 1. Haven't done the path you are referring. But I think quake can handle it? Since the is no need to land a hit she won't take any starburst damage. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  • jdyke23jdyke23 Member Posts: 215
    starburst is based in health lost so as she takes away health off the opponent she will start to degen. it’s modok on 3.3 ultron quest the path is next to korg on buffet. modok has starburst and tranquility
  • Stark78AlfaStark78Alfa Member Posts: 502
    Hulk Ragnarok seems to be your answer...
  • PoolPool Member Posts: 117
    Ghulk is best for that node. You see starburst use gulk
  • jdyke23jdyke23 Member Posts: 215
    i know it’s just the auto block **** 😂 did it anyway currently at hulk aspect of war which is very fun indeed . last path though
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