Is there a rating advantage for using Class ISO-8 vs Basic ISO-8 when ranking up your champs?

It was brought to my attention by my alliance leader a while back that if you rank up your champs using Class ISO-8 they will be higher than if you used Basic ISO-8, or both Basic ISO-8 and Class ISO-8 together. Is this true? If it is, why does the game give us so much Basic ISO-8 if it will not get our champs as high as using only Class ISO-8? Kabam Mike, and anyone reading this, can you help?
So using a Basic (black) 525 ISO counts for 525. Using a “Tech/blue” 325 ISO on a Mutant/yellow champ (yes, you can actually do that) just results in the stated 325 being applied. While using the matching Class 325 ISO (Mutant ISO on a Mutant champ) will actually result in applying more than 325 to the Levelup amount (think it is an extra 25% of the stated amount ?).
So thus you end up Leveling up further (edited: FASTER) than what you could using just Basic ISO, as well as costing less Gold since the Gold is based on the stated amount (even though you’re effectively leveling up higher because of the Class bonus %).
Either way, none of this has anything to do with the strength or stats of the champ once they have hit their maximum Level
I believe the % increase is 50% when used on correct class otherwise everything summonerNR said is correct