Looking for recruits. 8.75k prestige plus. Mix of map 6/5, tier 3/4 in aw will be plat 4 next season

SchmitrnSchmitrn Member Posts: 111
Hi, thanks for stopping by. We are looking for players who want to be competitive without the stress of a full map 6 all week. Keeps donations lower and allows to hit 250m in aq. As prestige increases as a whole we will hit that 300m marker that’s the aim. We are a skilled bunch and looking for guys that get the job done and are active. War is still running when ever possible and win or lose we get the shards. Progression is paramount so completing content can get free donations for a week. Ask for more details as we see this as a thanks for pushing and it benefits everyone. We are a long standing alliance that doesn’t have that much movement. Hit me up on line ID: schmitrn for a chat. Good luck finding a new home and look forward to speaking to you
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