No retreat with Archangel.

chrissbjordannchrissbjordann Member Posts: 120
Can someone tell me what it is about AA that cancels out no retreat? It’s not the whole fight. Almost seems random that in some parts of the fight I can dash back as much as I want to and then all of a sudden it will come back. It can’t be his ability accuracy reduction since it’s the actual node right?


  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,447 ★★★★★

    Can someone tell me what it is about AA that cancels out no retreat? It’s not the whole fight. Almost seems random that in some parts of the fight I can dash back as much as I want to and then all of a sudden it will come back. It can’t be his ability accuracy reduction since it’s the actual node right?

    It is the aar from neo so you’re aa is dups
  • TheSquish671TheSquish671 Member Posts: 2,880 ★★★★★
    If you had neurotoxins expire during the fight the aar would be less, so it could trigger. 3 or 4 active at all times should stop the node completely
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