Tips on magik

Zoranabc201Zoranabc201 Member Posts: 26
So I just took my 4* magik to 5/50 cause I had cats expiring and am just finding her to be so underwhelming..
Power control is nice but her light attack is so bad.. I can almost never intercept with it. I've used both doc oc and vision and find them both much better at power control simply because you can intercept with their lights unlike magik.
Does magik provide anything these guys don't? Am I missing something or is she a champ who relies on intercepts but has horrible animations to pull them off?


  • Fred_JoeityFred_Joeity Member Posts: 1,170 ★★★
    She just mostly has really reliable power control. I can’t speak for her light intercepts, since I use mediums to intercept, but Magik has more reliable power control that can theoretically power lock the defender the whole fight at the cost of a lower damage rate
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    edited July 2019
    She destroys champions that are buff heavy with her L3. But if you have enough skill to where you can powerlock 100% of the time with Doc Ock, he is a little better

    Edit: one more thing she does is limbo which can save you a lot of missing health, and if you have recovery mastery, you gain more than you lost under limbo
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