Alliance base idea

I do realize (hope also) that kabam is working on the base gamemode as it has been in the alliance section for a while now. I know aq gives catalysts and aw gives shards and u dont need any more blah blah blah but this gamemode could give miscellaneous items such as sig stones and awakening gems. Here is my idea for it: the energy refreshes every 12 hours. It runs for 6 days a week with 1 off day (Sunday?) Your alliance is put on a large grid with 10 or so other alliances. All alliance members start on a single point and can place a defender on an empty space. That has been explored by their alliance. It has the same energy movement mechanic as aw and aq but you can move in any direction anywhere as long as you have energy. Each alliance member has one attacker and a defender. If their defender or attacker is KOed they can revive with special alliance base potions (available for units in the store). Nodes can be bought (with units or some other currency idk) and placed on champions by all members of the alliance. Global nodes work for all defenders of the alliance. Linked nodes cost less than local nodes. You get points by expanding your alliances territory, exploring, and defeating other alliances defenders. There are milestone and rank rewards (ranked 1-10) for this event. Also, if the node the alliance started on is defeated, the alliance is out and cannot gain any more points. This is very long, idk what kabam will do with this but maybe itll be useful, youre welcome.
Any suggestions comment
Any suggestions comment
In all seriousness I hope it's worth the wait and replaces the need to do AQ or AW.
Espcially for the AW it's so boring now, same nodes same 3 champs you could expect in Stun Immune or other nodes. You should have full control of the "part of the battlerealm" unlike AQ or AW. We should be able to move nodes around just like the champs.