5* crystal pools - Clarification

RotmgmoddyRotmgmoddy Member Posts: 916 ★★★
Heya, so I know it's pretty late to ask, but I want to get this straight. Sorry for the spam of questions.
So, there are 3 pools of 5* champions: The Featured pool, the sub-featured pool and the standard pool.

1) The featured pool...contains the standard pool, except it has the featured champion in the pool, right?

2) How about the sub featured pool? Is it basically the standard pool combined with the champions who have been in the featured before? Or is it strictly just a pool for the champions who have been in the featured before? Or is it just the sub-featured champion on the picture along with the standard pool? (FYI, this is the most important question out of the 3, I need to know what's the content like)

3) Which 5* crystals are the ones that contain the sub-featured pool? Is it the alternative limited 5* crystal that appears side by side with the actual featured 5* champions?



  • JZ734JZ734 Member Posts: 95
    edited August 2017
    The featured pool is only the featured champ
    The sub-featured pool is champs that have had featured crystals already, are not currently featured and haven't been added to the basic.
    The 15k featured includes all 5* champs, 10k is only champs added to basic.
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    1 - It contains the standard pool, the sub-featured pool and the featured champion (basically any 15k crystal).

    2 - The sub featured pool is only in the 15k crystals. These crystals contains the 3 things mentioned above

    3 - Any 15k 5-star crystal has the sub-featured pool
  • RotmgmoddyRotmgmoddy Member Posts: 916 ★★★
    edited August 2017
    eXtripa69 wrote: »
    1 - It contains the standard pool, the sub-featured pool and the featured champion (basically any 15k crystal).
    JZ734 wrote: »
    The 15k featured includes all 5* champs, 10k is only champs added to basic.

    So...the 15k 5-star crystals contain both the standard pool and the sub-featured pool?
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,056 ★★★★★
    The Featured Crystal has 3 pools. Basic, Featured, and Subfeatured. The Basic is obviously all the Basic Champs, and it's the highest probability. The Featured is self-explanatory. The Subfeatured contains all Champs not yet added to the Basic Crystal, with the exception of those that aren't available in 5* form. Both Featured Crystals displayed contain the Subfeatured Pool.
  • RotmgmoddyRotmgmoddy Member Posts: 916 ★★★
    The Featured Crystal has 3 pools. Basic, Featured, and Subfeatured. The Basic is obviously all the Basic Champs, and it's the highest probability. The Featured is self-explanatory. The Subfeatured contains all Champs not yet added to the Basic Crystal, with the exception of those that aren't available in 5* form. Both Featured Crystals displayed contain the Subfeatured Pool.
    I see, do both featured crystals also contain the regular standard pool?

  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    Rotmgmoddy wrote: »
    eXtripa69 wrote: »
    1 - It contains the standard pool, the sub-featured pool and the featured champion (basically any 15k crystal).

    2 - The sub featured pool is only in the 15k crystals. These crystals contains the 3 things mentioned above

    3 - Any 15k 5-star crystal has the sub-featured pool

    So...the 15k 5-star crystals contain both the standard pool and the sub-featured pool?

    For example, Iceman crystal. It has the standard pool and the sub-featured pool, and a bigger chance to get the Iceman.
  • JZ734JZ734 Member Posts: 95
    Rotmgmoddy wrote: »
    eXtripa69 wrote: »
    1 - It contains the standard pool, the sub-featured pool and the featured champion (basically any 15k crystal).
    JZ734 wrote: »
    The 15k featured includes all 5* champs, 10k is only champs added to basic.

    So...the 15k 5-star crystals contain both the standard pool and the sub-featured pool?

  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,056 ★★★★★
    Rotmgmoddy wrote: »
    The Featured Crystal has 3 pools. Basic, Featured, and Subfeatured. The Basic is obviously all the Basic Champs, and it's the highest probability. The Featured is self-explanatory. The Subfeatured contains all Champs not yet added to the Basic Crystal, with the exception of those that aren't available in 5* form. Both Featured Crystals displayed contain the Subfeatured Pool.
    I see, do both featured crystals also contain the regular standard pool?

    Yes. Keep in mind, the Subfeatured Pool is the lowest probability. Basic>Featured>Sub.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,056 ★★★★★
    eXtripa69 wrote: »
    Rotmgmoddy wrote: »
    eXtripa69 wrote: »
    1 - It contains the standard pool, the sub-featured pool and the featured champion (basically any 15k crystal).

    2 - The sub featured pool is only in the 15k crystals. These crystals contains the 3 things mentioned above

    3 - Any 15k 5-star crystal has the sub-featured pool

    So...the 15k 5-star crystals contain both the standard pool and the sub-featured pool?

    For example, Iceman crystal. It has the standard pool and the sub-featured pool, and a bigger chance to get the Iceman.

    Technically, there's a larger chance to get the Basic.
  • RotmgmoddyRotmgmoddy Member Posts: 916 ★★★
    Ah I see, the reason I asked is because the sub-featured pool is really good when reduced in November. Since the 15k crystals combine the standard and the sub-featured pool, I'm assuming it's pointless to save 15k 5* shards and instead go for the 10k 5* crystals and wait until these champions shift to the standard 5* pool right?
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,056 ★★★★★
    Rotmgmoddy wrote: »
    Ah I see, the reason I asked is because the sub-featured pool is really good when reduced in November. Since the 15k crystals combine the standard and the sub-featured pool, I'm assuming it's pointless to save 15k 5* shards and instead go for the 10k 5* crystals and wait until these champions shift to the standard 5* pool right?

    Well, it's always random but the odds are better when they hit Basic. The Subfeatured is the rarest.
  • RotmgmoddyRotmgmoddy Member Posts: 916 ★★★
    Rotmgmoddy wrote: »
    Ah I see, the reason I asked is because the sub-featured pool is really good when reduced in November. Since the 15k crystals combine the standard and the sub-featured pool, I'm assuming it's pointless to save 15k 5* shards and instead go for the 10k 5* crystals and wait until these champions shift to the standard 5* pool right?

    Well, it's always random but the odds are better when they hit Basic. The Subfeatured is the rarest.

    Alright, understood. Thanks for the info guys! I'll probably just continue opening 5* crystals like usual, instead of saving up 5* shards. I originally thought the 15k crystals would contain only the sub-featured pool, but since they also contain the basic pool, I rather not take that risk.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,533 Guardian
    Rotmgmoddy wrote: »
    Ah I see, the reason I asked is because the sub-featured pool is really good when reduced in November. Since the 15k crystals combine the standard and the sub-featured pool, I'm assuming it's pointless to save 15k 5* shards and instead go for the 10k 5* crystals and wait until these champions shift to the standard 5* pool right?

    There's no right answer to that question: it depends on what you want. If you want more 5* champions you open basics. You get three basic champs for the cost of two *chances* at featured. Over time, you will amass a lot more 5* champs opening basic crystals and over time eventually all 5* champs will be in there. And you are less vulnerable to bad luck than if you are opening featured crystals. More basics is more shots at getting one of the better basics. And there are good basics.

    Here's the argument for saving for featured. You have maybe a 20% shot at featured. Ignoring the subfeatured, you can control when you open those crystals and save for a moment when the 5* featured champion is guaranteed to be a champion you want to 4/55. For every 30k fragments you have two shots at featured or three shots at basic. 2 shots at featured is approximately a 36% chance to get the featured at least once. For the basics to have a better chance to get a champion you want to rank to 4/55 the odds have to be about 14% that a basic champion is a rank 4/55 worthy champ. So: look at the basic crystal list. If more than one out of seven is a champion you personally want to immediately rank up to 4/55, the basic is a better choice than featured. If less than one out of seven is a champion you personally want to immediately rank up to 4/55, and you are fishing for champions of that caliber, save for featured and open only when the featured is a champion you personally feel is immediately 4/55 worthy.

    The correct strategy can change for the same player over time. For example, suppose a player already has two 4/55 5* champions. They may decide to open basics because they now want quantity over quality. On the other hand, they may decide their strategy moving forward is to save fragments for a 5* champion that is unambiguously stronger than their current 4/55 5* champions because they only have enough t2 alpha for one more. There's no such thing as the right goal for all players, and whether you want quality over quantity, you are seeking a specific kind of champion verses willing to settle for any of a large set of champions, you are looking for a LoL attacker verses being an arena grinder. All these factors influence which crystal makes more sense for you.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,056 ★★★★★
    edited August 2017
    Rotmgmoddy wrote: »
    Rotmgmoddy wrote: »
    Ah I see, the reason I asked is because the sub-featured pool is really good when reduced in November. Since the 15k crystals combine the standard and the sub-featured pool, I'm assuming it's pointless to save 15k 5* shards and instead go for the 10k 5* crystals and wait until these champions shift to the standard 5* pool right?

    Well, it's always random but the odds are better when they hit Basic. The Subfeatured is the rarest.

    Alright, understood. Thanks for the info guys! I'll probably just continue opening 5* crystals like usual, instead of saving up 5* shards. I originally thought the 15k crystals would contain only the sub-featured pool, but since they also contain the basic pool, I rather not take that risk.

    Your chances of rolling the Featured seem to be much higher than the chances of a specific Basic. We don't know the exact numbers, but let's assume it's 20%. If you're going for a specific Basic, it's 1/the number of Basics. For example, if there are 50 in the Crystals, 1/50. About 2%. That's just the theoretical view on it. As always, rolls are random. You could get it in Basic, Featured, or Subfeatured. It's up to you whether you want to venture a chance. Definitely better to go for a Featured than Sub.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,056 ★★★★★
    That's 2%. Edited for clarity. To think, I used to go to Math Competitions. Now I forget to move decimals. LOL
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